I need suggestions for how to program some feature that I am planning for my module. I am currently building an "anti-fud linux site" in portuguese and I plan on a feature that will do something like that:
First: a new node type (I called it "grue" on lack of creativity) which only differs from "story" in that you can edit its teaser (actually used as an "abstract"). Only administrators can enter grues. This is already implemented and working.
Second: on each story, an administrator, and only an administrator can edit it to add markups like <13>excerpt of text</13>, meaning that these excerpts will be "marked" as logical fallacies (reference: http://www.datanation.com/fallacies/index.htm. The 13 is the node number for the equivalent grue in this case. A sample text would be like that:
<3>And so this story bla bla bla</3> and also <7>yadda yadda yadda</7>. Besides that, <4>so and so and so</4>.
When an user sees this news story, it would be processed (and I think this would be a good place for a filter) to show something like that. Let's consider that nodes 3, 7 and 4 are grues and have names "bla", "ble" and "bli" respectively.
"And so this story bla bla bla and also yadda yadda yadda. Besides that, so and so and so.
This article has the fallacies bla, ble and bli. Click here for details."