This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Allow users to edit theme of their blog

I thought it would be a nice feature to let each user have their own CSS for his or her own specific blog. Maybe even decide which blocks they want to show up on their blog. Is there anything like this being worked on?


Hi, is there a way I can get rid of the shoutbox "reset" button? It looks really unproportioned with my site.

Also, is there a way I can take out the feature where users have to login or register to shout/

Image.Module (Drupal 4.6RC1)

I know Drupal 4.6 is unreleased as is the latest CVS version of Image.Module, but I was wondering if someone could shed some light on the following problem.

I have installed the Image.Module and Image.css into a folder called image under my Modules folder. Drupal detects the module fine and allows me to turn it on. When I go to Admin->Settings->Image I get the following errors displayed on screen.

aggregator.module SQL GROUP BY bug in pgsql

warning: pg_query() []: Query failed: ERROR: column "f.description" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function in /export/mdd0/wwwpub/Prod/site/resources/internal/news/includes/ on line 104.

Isaac Vetter

failed to open stream

I'm writing my own custom gallery module for a project I'm working on and it was working fine until yesterday. My most recent updates have caused an error that says:

warning: module_load(modules/imgallery.module): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/poster00/public_html/drupal/includes/ on line 131.
warning: module_load(): Failed opening 'modules/imgallery.module' for inclusion include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/poster00/public_html/drupal/includes/ on line 131.

upcoming.module syndicates events from

I've begun a project for syndicating events from here.

I am interested in requirements from the Drupal user community:

- How would you like syndicated events to appear in your Drupal site?
- summary block
- events node

Currently the scope is for one way syndication, but when the API is fleshed out, it will be possible
to push events from Drupal to Upcoming.

Comments welcome.


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