This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

passing variables to self written modules

I need to pass a variable like to a module which i am writing. My Drupal installation has clean urls enabeled.
Question: what is the right way to do this?

Searching in this forum gave me the hint that it is possible to do something like:


and then get the passed variable via $_GET["url"]

Developpment of a new Form Module

Hello to everybody,

How to flexinode tabular view with serialized data

Hi! guys I'm new to drupal and I'm trying to make my own flexinode content type.. and I'm storing some information on serialized_data in the flexinode_data table

is there any easy way to show some information from the serialized_data field from the tabular view?

any tips on how to approach this would be nice ! thanks!

Use Imagemagick with 4.6.0rc and new image.module

I am trying to figure out how to use new image.module from CVS with the 4.6 rc. From what I can understand the default image handling software for this set up is the GD_toolkit. Right now this isn't installed on my servers, but Imagemagick is. All of my other PHP scripts on mysites already use Imagemagick, so I would rather not switch over to GD. So....How do I use Imagemagick with the new image.module. There is a file called in the image module directory, but I can't figure out how it affects my set up.

Organic Groups and 4.6

Hello Moshe (and others). What is the game plan for Organic Groups in Drupal 4.6? Has the functionality been incorporated into the core, or de we need to wait for the OG 4.5 module to be updated for 4.6? Thx,


where's walkah's image module...?

I'm trying to install album module and it requests walkah's image module ... but the link supplied in the readme is apparently wrong. Can someone point me straight?


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