This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

nodeperm_user module still kickin.. Need assistance

Got this site, see.. Well it is going to allow members access to their own pages (nodes) so that they can list their own campgrounds and recreation business/service.
I am using 4.5.2 and haven't been able to find a way to control access to a node based on user. So I found nodeperm_user, which seems to be discontinued??

Geotagging, geosearching, and geo-everything in Drupal!

Hey all,

I've been putting together a new, exciting Drupal project with some others over the past few weeks. This project is all about location: geotagging nodes with a location, searching for nodes within a certain geographic area, generating links to maps of geotagged nodes, and so on. I recently did a detailed blog on how postal code proximity searches are being implemented in this project:

You can check out the project at
You can check out the CVS repository at

The module works on top of an API implemented in the same directory of the repository. To see what kind of re-usable functions are available in the API, please consult the API documentation in the repository:

To see how you can extend support of the API to a currently unsupported country (since a lot of functions are country-specific, hence a system of delegation to country-specific functions), please consult the documentation in the repository:

This is an exciting new project that, as I see it, has the potential to add yet-unforeseen capabilities to Drupal....


Adding To Content


I am wondering how would one go about adding something to a node's body on the fly. Say I have something, a picture, that I want to insert at a certain spot within the body of each node on my site. Anyone have any clues as to how that can be done.


Taxonomy Access Control for 4.6.x?

Has anyone upgraded the Taxonomy Access Control module to work with Drupal 4.6.x?

4.6 quotes module user error: Unknown column 'Array' in 'where clause'

Hello could you tell me what might account for this user error below, so I can correct it? Ta.

user error: Unknown column 'Array' in 'where clause'
query: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mz_quotes q INNER JOIN mz_node n ON n.nid = q.nid INNER JOIN mz_term_node qtn ON qtn.nid = n.nid WHERE n.status = 1 AND q.promote = 1 AND qtn.tid IN (Array,Array,Array,Array,Array,Array) in /Volumes/Files/Users/chuee/Sites/drupal/includes/ on line 66

Merging forms?

Is it possible to merge 2 forms into one?
For example I have a seperate module, which has a custom form element, which would be added to the existing comment form.
Is this possible? And how if it's possible? I didn't see any function that can combine 2 forms, or maybe I didn't look enough..


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