This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Updates is an Apache keyword

Just a friendly warning, do not use updates (and I am told manager) as a module names.
These are special names in Apache and the module will not work if you have clean url's turned on (you get a Page forbiden message).

I found this out after developing a module called updates on a win server and then installing on the real site.
Three cheers for search and replace :).

RSVP bandwidth drain

I have the RSVP module installed.

For some reason, whether its needed or not, the rsvp.css file is always included at the head of every page.

Its a small file, but the bandwidth can add up, and its unnecessarily being called when rsvp's arent being used.

Am I mistaken somehow?

If i'm right, is there an easy way to fix it?

Event module - events that last various days

For example, a 3-day conference. Can this be done with the Events module? I would like my calendar to display a block of a "weekend event" in a certain color, and that color be associated with a particular node.


Need a new explaination of Node building mechanism

I keep going over and over the Handbooks Module Guide's explaination of the node building mechanism. Nothing seems to match anything in the present Drupal system.

Where is that title text hiding?

I want to modify the "Browse files to dowload" text in Filestore2. There are three occurances of the text in the code. I have marked each one. But when an anonymous user surfs to the page there is another unmarked text title at the top. Where is this text hiding?

Some where in the database probably? But where?

numeric values in forms?

I've got my first module working now.
I want the user to enter a number in a form field. The only field I see to use is form_textfield. But I don't want to save the value as a string, I want to save it as an int.

If I do this in the hook_form:

$output .= form_textfield(t('Quantity'), 'quantity', $node->quantity, 60, 128, NULL, NULL, TRUE);

I think it expects 'quantity' to be a column of type string.


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