This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

module installer module

Would anyone see a benefit in the creation of a module that automates the process of installing modules?

Every time i need to add a module I go about the the same process, and it seems like there is already a standard "packaging" that each module must adhere to, so why not automate this process with a module?

Almost all modules (that require more than drag-drop) include:

directory: /
db script: .mysql (sometimes a .pgsql --- this could be handled too)
module: .module
etc: some other stuff that I don't care about.

Meeting room booking module

Hi folks,

I'm running an intranet site on v4.4 which mainly uses Drupal's CMS capability. We've just been assigned a task to extend this site to a near full-blown intranet site. The first thing in order is to create a meeting room booking system. I was thinking of using a calendar's month-view as the main interface where users can see all the booking in a bird's eye view; then zoom in to a day where the actual booking is made.

Advanced group module

Not sure if this belongs here, or in the "Core Development" forum, as it might involve some changes to core as well.

But we need some advanced group funvtionality added to drupal.
Here is a sketch of what we have in mind:

  • We need thousands of users (ok, at least more than 1000, but probably not more than 100 000 at the moment..)
  • These should be organized in one or more of a few hundered groups.
  • Some users are only memeber of a single group.
  • Some users are members of several groups.
  • The groups are somewhat hierarchical. IE. we might have
    • Organization A
      • Department X
      • Department Y
        • Workgroup 1
        • Workgroup 2
      • Department Z
        • Workgroup I
    • Organization B
    • List C
    • (...)
  • Some of the groups should be "self managed". IE, they should work more or less like the "og" module today. Some should be managed from a parent, some should only be managed by the administrator, some should allow other users to apply for memeberships, and some would require an invitation.
    • Manager of Org. A is allowed to add users to any of its department groups, but is not allowed to add new departments.
    • Dept. Y is allowed to add new workgroups.
    • Workgroup 2 is allowed to accept or decline new users who apply for this group
    • Org. B can add as many departments or workgroups as it wants

New project: geocoding, proximity searches, address manipulation...

Greetings all,

I've been working on an address module and address API over the last few weeks here at CivicSpace Labs ( It is now a Drupal project at

Are there plans for RSS 2 and or Atom feeds that provide category elements?

Does anyone know if there are plans to include <category> elements in RSS (if we ever move up to RSS 2) and Atom feeds? Technorati has begun doing some interesting things with indexing category elements in RSS and Atom feeds that include them. It would be nice if we could start to get Drupal entries indexed as tags. I will put in a feature request for the Atom feed because that seems the easiest to update, but wondering if people have been thinking along these lines.

Inline Hack

I really dig the dropshadow effect that's featured on ALA. I changed a single line of code in matteo's inline module and updated my css with the info from ALA. If anyone is interested I can forward my code as a feature request to matteo to be included in the next version. Here's what the effect looks like on my homepage:

- matthew |


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