This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.



I set the directory of the Contextlinks module into the modules directory as it is advised by it's author but I've get this error:
"Call to undefined function: drupal_get_path() in modules/contextlinks/contextlinks.module on line 262"
What it is and how to solve this problem?

debugging with IDEs revisited

Does anyone use NuSphere's PHPEd to comfortably dubug modules in drupal? or any other IDEs? And if so how did you set it up?

Default taxonomy selection by user: workspace module?

I have messed with taxonomy_access and the workspace module and I've realized that I need a way to simplify the way my users interact with my rather complex taxonomy. Some users can only create content in certain categories, so I want to be able to have their "create node" page show only a list of terms they can apply to their content. Right now, everything is listed, making it a much longer list than the user needs to see. Any ideas? This seems to tie into the functionality or scope of the workspace module, even though it applies to node creation interfaces.

Collapsible side blocks


I'm planning to use Drupal as a framework for an intranet, in this kind of setup I guess it'll end up with a lot of side blocks. So I started to code some javascript functions to make then collapsible.

The current approach runs a Javascript function on page load which parses the document and modifies all the blocks to attach a header to them, which when is clicked collaps/expands the block.
The state of the blocks is stored in a cookie, so if some block is collapsed it'll continue to be even on page change or reload.

tinymce installation in 4.6 - problem

Newbie. I installed Drupal 4.6 yesterday. Tried today to install tinymce text editor. I created a folder called tinymce under modules, placed the unzipped tinymce file in it, confirmed that all the files had transferred to my site. Went to administer/modules - but tinymce doesn't show up under modules. What did I do wrong?

i18n + menu-otf


Has anybody already tried to use the module menu-otf (menu on-the-fly) with the module i18n?
When i add a menu item directly in the node edit (with menu-otf), i have an entry for each language and for all the used languages.

I expect that there is a variable to add in the conf.php but i haven't found which.

(Sorry, i don't know if it is the good forum to post my question but i am new and it is my first post. Thank you by advance for your help)



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