This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.


The ability to import rss feeds directly into nodes was a *great* was a fantastic feature to older versions of drupal, with this module. Unfortunately, v 4.5.x and 4.6 break this useful module. Are there plans to update this module to functional status?

filter for new image module

I would like to add a filter to the new image module so that within a node you can use a tag like [img] and specify attibutes such as the height and width. Then during the process of converting the filter to a real <img> tag it will determine which size is the best to use that one. Also things like clean urls can be conpenated for by just including the node number.

I was thinking of a tag like [img href="1" width="100" height="100"] would convert to <img href="?q=image/view/1/thumbnail" width="100" height="100">

Comment + rating module, help needed.


I am trying to make a voting module, in which people can submit a rating within a comment for certain content (like the content type: image, but every contenttype should be able to be "voteable"). Now I am fairly new to drupal coding, but not new to PHP, and after checking out the nodeapi_example at drupaldocs, I am wondering if I would have to hack the existing comment module (since I want people only to be able to give a rating while writing a comment) or that this is possible to add to the comment form by an add-on module.

malicious modules, zen and the art of sleeping at night


Before I ask this...a mini-disclaimer:

I love drupal and am an avid supporter, promoter of the project. I have evaluated many CMS & community management/development tools for the web and drupal is miles ahead of anything else out there in my opinion.

The module list is getting very long. Which is great and in the spirit of open source, I know, but, am just curious about the following i.e. the risk of malicious modules, security, zen and the art of sleeping at night:

Page not found error- custom module


I'm new to Drupal and to this Forum.

I need some help. I've developed a couple custom modules for a client, and now I'm on my third.

The module is for a list of Top 10's. (If I get it working, I'll submit it to the site).

I have a function for adding/editing and deleting Top 10 lists and it's called topten_configure(). I loads fine from a menu item under admin/topten.

I have a block and I want to have the list of Top 10's show up there and if a user clicks on the title of a list, they get the full list.

image.module and 4.6

Is there any planned support for image module and 4.6? I ask because I find no reference to it, which is perhaps essential for drupal. The present version (4.5 cv) is one of the few to break drupal.


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