This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Everything Module

This is a module which might be regarded as a bit odd as it specifically avoids displaying any of the site/theme stuff. I use a Drupal based site as a collection point for a lot of notes and writing which I do, with mailhandler pulling in emails which I send using a Nokia Communicator. As I travel a lot, this is a great way for me to keep all my writing in one place. I wrote this module as a way to extract ALL nodes form the site in a form which can be directly put into a word processor or saved as a PDF document. I'm not a programmer, so it's probably very rough, but I offer it here just in case anyone else is looking for something similar.

# Module to display all the nodes in the site, 

# Standard module help function - how it appears in admin/modules

function everything_help($section) {
  switch($section) {
    case "admin/system/modules#name":
      $output = "everything";
    case "admin/system/modules#description":
      $output = "Display all the nodes in the system, in a form suitable for printing or moving to a word processor or PDF file.";
      $output = "";
  return $output;

# Standard module description function

function everything_system($field){
  $system["name"] = t("Everything");
  $system["description"] = t("Displays all the nodes in the system");
  return $system[$field];

# Link the function into the system

function everything_link($type, $node=0) {
  if (($type == "system")) {
    // URL, page title, func called for page content, arg, 1 = don't disp menu
    menu("everything", t("Everything"), "everything_all", 1, 0);

function everything_settings() {
   $output = form_select(t("Body font"), "everything_bfont", variable_get("everything_bfont", "Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif"),drupal_map_assoc(array("Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif", "Couier New, Courier")), t("Enter name of the font you want to use"));
   $output .= form_select(t("Body font size"), "everything_bfontsize", variable_get("everything_bfontsize", "4"), drupal_map_assoc(array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)), t("Enter font size, between 1 and 7, 3 is normal"));
   $output .= form_select(t("Title font size"), "everything_tfontsize", variable_get("everything_tfontsize", "6"), drupal_map_assoc(array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)), t("Enter font size, between 1 and 7, 3 is normal body text"));
   return $output;

# The everything function which selects and displays the nodes

function everything_all() {
    $tfontstr = "<font face=\"".variable_get("everything_bfont", 0)."\" size=\"".variable_get("everything_tfontsize", 0)."\">";
    $bfontstr = "<font face=\"".variable_get("everything_bfont", 0)."\" size=\"".variable_get("everything_bfontsize", 0)."\">";
    $efontstr = "</font>";
    $page_content = '';
    $query = "SELECT nid, type FROM {node} WHERE status = 1 ORDER BY nid";
    $result = db_query($query);
    while ($node = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      #$page_content .= node_view(node_load(array('nid' => $node->nid, 'type' => $node->type)), 0);
      $node = node_load(array('nid' => $node->nid));
      $title = check_output($node->title);
      $body = check_output($node->body);
      $page_content .= "<b>".$tfontstr.$title.$efontstr."</b><br><br>".$bfontstr.$body.$efontstr."<br><br>";   
    #print theme("page", $page_content);
    print $page_content;

weblink.module patch - view all weblinks

Just an FYI - there was a Feature request for a feature to the weblink.module - to view all weblinks on one page.

I created a patch for this - details:

Please note, no pager() support is embedded in this patch - which may be an issue for sites with huge weblinks listings.

For drupal HEAD: Display whether a user is online or not on the user profile page (solution)

Hey everyone,

I heard a few people asking about how to display whether a user is online or not on any user profile display page. Well, here is a version for drupal cvs HEAD (should work with 4.5.2) which allows you to do it!

You can download it from


Using title and description fields from attachment.module with upload.module

I am currently using the upload.module and the attachment.module with a site I am developing. I like the ability to add a title for the "attached file" as found in the attachment module... but other than this, is there any added functionality from using the attachment.module? The reason why I ask: I would like to add attachment titles and descriptions to a flexinode content type called "documents" or "files." Unfortunately, the attachment.module doesn't hook into flexinode at this time, so I can't add it through the flexinode interface.

Custom Module, Block and Profile Information

I've read through most of and the forums, trying to find an answer for this. I'm hoping I'm just missing and it's something simple.

Wrote a custom node module, widget.module. Users can create a "widget", no problem. Inside widget.module I'm trying to write a block hook that will show when that users page is displayed. I want to show the widgets for that particular user.

Question, within:


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