This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Access Http Header in Module

Is there a way to access the complete http-header which is sent to the webserver, when a user clicks on a link somewhere on my drupal site, from 'inside' a normal self written drupal module?
I need this, because i got to render parts from an external website into a drupal page. This external Page requires cookie based login.
Anyone ever worked on portal-like features - or anyone can tell me which cms already has some build in mechanisms to hook in other webapplications?
regards, borghart

flexinode file size limits?

A quick question. In Drupal 4.5.0, you can set the file size limits in the upload.module. Does anyone know how to do this this when using flexinode with file attachment enabled? I want to prevent users from uploading big files. Flexinode only permits one file upload per node, which is great. But I want to control the file's size as well. Any ideas?


Multiple registration paths? Any clue how to do this?

Let me explain.

Basically, I am interested in having two registration paths. ie. Registration for 'Role A', and a different registration for 'Role B'. To simplify things, a user can only be in Role A or Role B and not both ;)

Is this a hard task? I've searched the forums but didn't find much information regarding this. Does anyone have any suggestions before I start hacking out code ? (I always ask first, I can't tell me how many times advice from this forum has saved me countless hours)

Cheers and good day!


Module: basic testimonials module created....

Hey anyone-who-cares,

I just finished a basic testimonials module today (for 4.6/HEAD) which allows users to leave testimonials for other users and receive them as well. Not as complex as some of the boys (#drupal) want, but it was all we needed for our requirements. If people want more complexity, I'll be glad to donate some time to get it beefed up to something more powerful.

Please visit my blog to download.

Licensing Question


I have a question and I hope someone can shed some light on this topic. I am currently developing a site using the Drupal software. I found an article on the site that states:

"Drupal itself is under the GPL, and all modules, themes, translations, etc. that are hosted here on are also under the GPL."


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