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I'm new to the drupal world -- Drupal was selected as the technology of choice for a big project codenamed OPUS. Regardless, I've been encouraged by the stakeholders to give back any functionality we develop for drupal back to the community.
While it isn't much (there will be much more to come, but you have to start small), one of our requirements was to be able to show a users avatar in a sidebar / block rather than in the main panel. Below if a link to my blog, and hopefully someone will find it useful.
I want to make default image uploading with the "Image" module. Then user write in blog, he/she can click on the button Browse and select the image he/she wants to put in the blog post.
Now it's possible only then user select to write an image post...Can you help me with solution?
I have a site running. Its been running fine for a long time but today suddenly one of my dictionary terms wasnt listed in the category anymore. I had a category named "video" which had 28 items. Now I managed to play around with phpmyadmin and fix the term_data "video" with a "tid of 2" because all the posts in the video category were with "tid 2". Now the category is listed properly on my site and all the items are there but I ams still facing another problem.
Is there any way to associate MD5 hashes with the files attached via the upload module, so that users can verify the integrity of the file they are downloading? I mean, aside from computing it yourself and mentioning it in the node body.
Where are the forms or links to use after creating a paypal subscription item using the paypal subscription module? Aren't the users supposed to be presented with a link or form to subscribe if they have not already done so?