I added a patch to allow HTMLarea to limit its use by role:
This poses several questions for me as I looked at the module.
1) It looks like there is another permission_hook in there (before mine) called "upload images" but it does not look like it does anything. Should this be removed?
2) I wanted to make a new input filter called "Rich Text Editor" which when selected HTML area would appear. How do I 1st identify what mode they have selected.. $node->filter does not appear to be working for me; this line looks promising but I cannot get it to do anything:
if ($node->format == 2) { $htmlarea_codeview = true; }
3) When PHP input filter is selected HTMLarea is turned off by default? Where is this code located? Is it in another higher function? I do not see anything out there on it.
4) I wanted to add permissions for each filter, something like enable imagemanager, enable insertfile... I could live with a hard coded solution, but a loop over the installed and active plugins might make more sense.
5) Last thing: When looking at the database it looks like permissions assigned to each role is simple put in a comma separated list by the name of the permission granted. This seems to me that module developers could quickly step on each others toes, if they call a permission the same. Is there a guideline for naming permissions like "HTMLAREA: Upload Images" and "HTMLAREA: Use HTMLarea" thus making them all unique enough from other modules. Any thoughts on this?