This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Bad code in comment.module hook_menu?

I'm new to drupal so if this is spurious please be nice:

In version 1.302.2.9 of the comment.module file, for the statement starting at line 112, it looks like if caching is turned off ($may_cache is false), then the $access variable will be undefined. Maybe this is intentional, but I thought I'd ask.

Can FCKeditor....

... allow users to save the content the've entered in the textarea to be saved to a file. (ie. html/php file)? I'd like to be able to allow my users to create these pages and be able to link them to the pages currently on your site. I noticed that there is a "save" button but that doesnt seem to do anything.


Extending functionality of core modules

I'm trying to modify the "weblink" module so that users can add more iinformation about a link that they submit. However, I'm having trouble as to which table to store the additoinal link information: the node table or weblink table?

Anyone know?


HTMLAREA: Added Permission by Role

I added a patch to allow HTMLarea to limit its use by role:

This poses several questions for me as I looked at the module.

1) It looks like there is another permission_hook in there (before mine) called "upload images" but it does not look like it does anything. Should this be removed?

2) I wanted to make a new input filter called "Rich Text Editor" which when selected HTML area would appear. How do I 1st identify what mode they have selected.. $node->filter does not appear to be working for me; this line looks promising but I cannot get it to do anything:
if ($node->format == 2) { $htmlarea_codeview = true; }

3) When PHP input filter is selected HTMLarea is turned off by default? Where is this code located? Is it in another higher function? I do not see anything out there on it.

4) I wanted to add permissions for each filter, something like enable imagemanager, enable insertfile... I could live with a hard coded solution, but a loop over the installed and active plugins might make more sense.

5) Last thing: When looking at the database it looks like permissions assigned to each role is simple put in a comma separated list by the name of the permission granted. This seems to me that module developers could quickly step on each others toes, if they call a permission the same. Is there a guideline for naming permissions like "HTMLAREA: Upload Images" and "HTMLAREA: Use HTMLarea" thus making them all unique enough from other modules. Any thoughts on this?

Chapter levels screwed up in the printer-friendly output of books module

When I look at the printer friendly version of the Admin Guide, the chapter levels are all screwed up.

Specifically, it looks like all levels of subchapters (eg. h2, h3, etc) get displayed as H1 level chapters. It makes the guide very confusing to read.

From talking to people on the documentation mailing list, it sounds like this is a known bug with the book module.

Integration with Lightbox Photo

I was wondering if it is possible to integrate software called lightbox photo ( into the drupal system?

It is a great soft for selling photos either by print or by download.

Would be great



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