This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Is there a need for a block_access_by_role module ?

I'm quite convinced that there is the need to setup the visualization of blocks based upon the role. I need to show or not some blocks on a per-role basis. I would like to implement it, but it needs a new block_access table (similar to the node_access one). It should have to be moved into CVS and not be a simple module, I guess...

moves.module (embedding quick time videos into drupal) Help with creation of new nodes

Hi guys!

I need help with my first module.
This module (moves.module) has been created to add to drupal

a moves node wich is a quicktime video with other info.

I have problems during the creation of new nodes of moves type.
It doesn't do anything. But if I add fields with mysql it displays correctly.

If you want to use this pre-pre-pre-pre alpha module just create
the db table as follow and create a category moves and a term for it (as usual).

The code is a lot similar to weblink.module.

Handling file uploads

I'm writing a custom module for our school district and need to be able to upload Word docs. The code for the form is:

$form = form_file(t("$filetype to upload for $date"), 'filename', '', NULL, TRUE);
$form .= form_submit("Save");
$content = form($form);
print theme ('page', $content);

The code for processing the form looks like this:

Donations module v1.0

This is an announcement for the first v1.0 ready donations module. The module can be downloaded here and tested here.

The module testing site itself tells about the module functionality. But this post wants to suggest and explain what is possible to do with this module in support of the Drupal site and all modules/projects as well.

(an introduction into Donorge)
Simple integration and the possibilities

Using just only the Donorge dedicated donations.module, what can it already offer the Drupal site and all modules all together?
- An “extra” 0% donation fee
- As Donorge grows, more payment options become available making it possible for more Drupal or module project supporters to donate in the first place
- Per project maintenance free, dedicated and detailed donation tracking on the Drupal site itself
- Very easy and quick ability to integrate into the current existing 'project pages'. Think about the power for visitors to simply support individual Drupal projects/modules and for each the ability to track their donations statistics within the Drupal site itself. No other CMS development site would offer such extensive/dedicated and integrated donation tracking. Drupal users could even use the same donation module on their own site by downloading the module themselves. Plus each project can even indicate relations among themselves or interests outside Drupal because remember; Donorge supports any open source development project or any software for that matter, any organization even. It's the relations between the organizations which build the trust and show the interests in the network.

Drawing Collaboration tool module

Is anyone familiar with any browser-based drawing collaboration tool(s) that work with Drupla? Something similar to this from GE (click on the blank page to launch) or this OSS project



nodeperm_role module


I installed nodeperm_role module.But it is NOTshowing any effect.Everything is Visible and Editable to all.
Please let me know,how exactly it is used/configured to apply node level permissions.



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