This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

News titles on one page

Hello, comrades.

I want to output news titles on the page (without teasers and other stuff). Picture demonstrate this:

I wrote such code:


function title_list($result, $title = NULL) {
  $dt = "";
  $cond = 0;
  $out = "";
  while ($node = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $a = getdate($node->created);
    if ($cond == 0)
      $y = $a['year'];
      $m = $a['mon'];
      $d = $a['mday'];
      $dt = "<p><b>".$d.".".$m.".".$y."</b></p>";
      $out = $out.$dt;
      $cond = 1;
      if (($y != $a['year']) || ($m != $a['mon']) || ($d != $a['mday']))
        $out = $out.theme('node_list', $items, $title);
        $a = getdate($node->created);
        $y = $a['year'];
        $m = $a['mon'];
        $d = $a['mday'];
        $dt = "<p><b>".$d.".".$m.".".$y."</b></p>";
        $out = $out.$dt;
        $dt = "";
    $number = module_invoke('comment', 'num_all', $node->nid);
    $items[] = l($node->title, 'node/'. $node->nid, $number ? array('title' => format_plural($number, '1 comment', '%count comments')) : '');

  return $out.theme('node_list', $items, $title);

global $user;
if (user_access("access content"))
  $stories = "";
  $queryResult = db_query_range("SELECT n.uid,, max(n.nid) FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {users} u ON u.uid = n.uid WHERE n.type = 'story' AND n.status = 1 GROUP BY n.uid, ORDER BY 3 DESC", 0, 10);
  while ($node = db_fetch_object($queryResult))
    $stories .= title_list(db_query_range("SELECT n.title, n.nid, n.created FROM {node} n WHERE n.type = 'story' AND n.status = 1 AND n.uid = " . $node->uid . " ORDER BY n.nid DESC", 0, 10));
  print $stories
. "
". l(t("more"), "story", array("title" => t("Просмотреть остальные новости."))) ."

It works fine, but it output titles of ALL materials from ALL vocabularies. How to modify SQL-query for outputting titles of only ONE vocabulary (f.e. "News")?

cannot redeclare function

Upon enabling a new module, I am getting this error message:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare _hilite_get_query_terms() (previously declared in /home/choirgee/public_html/modules/hilite/hilite.module:65) in /home/choirgee/public_html/modules/hilite/hilite.module on line 65

The only place this function appears in my drupal installation is in this module (obviously) at:

line 65

Finding what user is accessing a page?

Hi everyone,

I need to query the DB for a field in the profile_values table - but im off to a very bad start :)

How do i find the users uid (or any other identifying factor) - I mean the user how is looking at the page,...

I can see a session id, and i can even see a user->uid but this does not work:


So, how do i access the currnet users details?

Many thanks

attachments to comments

I badly want attachments to be added to comments can anybody help me out with that...

Is the album/folksonomy/image suppose to work with cvs?

I'm trying to use the walkah's new image module alongside the album module. I installed folksonomy and the rest in a clean install of drupal CVS. However, I get the error

DOC Type and xml info does not appear on first line of page

My website at seems to parse the page templates and adds a few blank lines which renders an error in the xml feed.

I know I am not providing much info because I do not know what really is the info to provide.

I am running a standard Drupal 4.5 with a number of the distributed modules installed. I do not what is causing the additional blank lines inserted in the page source.

Any general thoughts as to what typically would cause these additional lines to be inserted?


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