This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Module: Web Links Behavior change issue: Can some one help

Hi I am a new user of drupal

Have installed DRUPAL 4.5 and Web Links

Created a Taxonomy especially for web links.
When i post into a term it shows up in the "Category" block of Drupal. (Shows the taxonomy and the relative time of posting ... 3 days old etc)

I would like to avoid this... Avoid updating the Categories block when i post anything into the web links module. My users love the categorization of Links but hate to see if it was updated. Especially since i have a large list of terms for web links. The list tends to get real long


Can somebody explain me how can I use subtitle in my drupal site?

Need a definitive solution to text input

Dear forum,

Help request.

Ok on my site I am about to begin a collaborative playwriting project on the 1st of March. This means that three writers will need to post almost everyday on the site using the book.module.

Now in the past I have written various messages on these forums concerning text editing:

Site map destroys the default menu block by reseting it

I was having trouble installing the ecommerece module because I could not see everything. So i installed the Sitemap module to help locate things. What a mistake that was. I did not back up my db because there was no mySQL involved I thought. But Site map destroys the default menu block by reseting it and removing all top level links. removall and Clearing the cache after does not fix this. The nav menus are in perfect alphabetical order and locked without header links to give any indication of what section they belong to.

Does anyone know how to get back the original?

What does n. mean in SQL calls

In many of the drupal SQL calls I see something like:

SELECT n.created, n.title, n.nid, n.changed
    FROM node n
    WHERE n.status = 1
    ORDER BY n.created
    DESC ", 0, 10);

What do all the n. before the database feilds and names mean? This is pretty hard to search for as I don't know if this is a SQL thing, a PHP thing, or Drupal thing. And no search engine I can find will include the . in the search. Any help would be appreciated.

docBook Module


It's been suggested writing a docBook module using XSLT to transfer XML into HTML, would be a good example of my application development skills. Are there creation guidelines I should follow?


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