In the Taxonomy.mod if you change the param "Depth", you can change the depth result. Form what I'm seeing the Article.mod, it has the same feature and I have made a paste of the code in question below. I'm not a programer, so really I don't have clue what it actually does. But from the little I do understand it looks like it should work, but it hasn't been. could somone comment please. i;ve been chagng the $depth on line 14.
* @param $tids
* An array of term IDs to match.
* @param $operator
* How to interpret multiple IDs in the array. Can be "or" or "and".
* @param $depth
* How many levels deep to traverse the taxonomy tree. Can be a nonnegative
* integer or "all".
* @param $pager
* Whether the nodes are to be used with a pager (the case on most Drupal
* pages) or not (in an XML feed, for example).
* @return
* A resource identifier pointing to the query results.
function article_select_nodes($tids = array(), $operator = 'and', $depth = 1, $pager = TRUE, $count = 0) {
if (count($tids) > 0) {
// For each term ID, generate an array of descendant term IDs to the right depth.
$descendant_tids = array();
if ($depth === 'all') {
$depth = NULL;
foreach ($tids as $index => $tid) {
$term = taxonomy_get_term($tid);
$tree = taxonomy_get_tree($term->vid, $tid, 1, $depth);
$descendant_tids[] = array_merge(array($tid), array_map('_taxonomy_get_tid_from_term', $tree));