Configuring the module is done on a number of pages.

Birthdays administration pages

The Birthdays administration pages (?q=admin/settings/birthdays) is where the actual features of the birthdays module are set. Some of the options are described below.

  • Profile field: here you set which 'date' field of the Profile module you want the Birthdays module to use.
  • Show star sings: select whether you want to display the star sign icons on the profile and on the Birthdays page, and, if so, whether it should link to Yahoo Horoscopes.
  • Hide year and age: some sites might want to protect the user's privacy by hiding their age and year of birth. The options are 'No', 'Yes' and 'User optional, defaults to No', where the latter gives the user the option to select whether he or she wants this information to be hidden. If enabled it still requires them to put the full date of birth in, but only the day and month will be displayed.
  • Set Birthdays page settings: this influences how the listing of the Birthdays page is shown. Sorted by user name of date of birth (year not included) and users without a birthday shown or not.
  • Show filter options: determine whether the buttons to filter by specific month and/or year should be displayed. When 'Hide year and age' is set to 'Yes', filtering by year is not possible.
  • Send upcoming birthdays to admin: this one has 4 values 'Disabled', 'Dayly', 'Weekly, on the first day of the week' and 'Monthly'. This will send an e-mail to your site e-mail address at the given intervals, listing users that will have their birthday in that period. The first day of the week is controlled by the date and time settings of Drupal, which can be found at ?q=admin/settings/date-time.
  • Send user e-mail on day of birth: set whether users should receive an e-mail when they are having the birthday. Either 'No', 'Yes' or 'User optional, 'Yes' by default', where the latter leaves the decision up to the user.


To allow users to view birthdays of other people, the 'access birthdays' permission needs to be set for the appropriate role. This allows them to access the Birthdays page (?q=birthdays), see activated blocks with birthdays and view the birthday of the user in the profiles.

Profile field settings

Several things can be adjusted to the assigned profile field. To do so please visit to ?q=admin/user/profile, and edit the field in question. The following options require special attention.

  • The user must enter a value: force the user to fill in their date of birth. A once set birthday can not be deleted.
  • Visible in user registration form: give new users the option to add their date of birth when registering to your website. If combined with the option above, they can not register without putting their date of birth.
  • Visibility: this will influence the visibility of the field as described there, but the behavior might become erratic if not set to 'Public field, content shown on profile page but not used on member list pages'. So it is recommended to leave this as is.

The other options on this page behave as described on the settings page.

Date format

The way the birthdays are formatted (e.g. 11 may 1934 or 5/11/1934) is controlled by the date and time settings of Drupal, which can be found at?q=admin/settings/date-time. The Birthdays module uses the short date format as basis for displaying days and months in the blocks and the medium date format is used in the profile and on the Birthdays page.