
  • You know how to install third-party modules for Drupal
  • You have a content type and you want to add a CAPTCHA challenge

How to add CAPTCHA challenge to the node add form of a content type

  1. Install and enable the CAPTCHA Module. Probably you also want to enable the image CAPTCHA module or another module that provides a certain challenge type.
  2. Configure permissions (admin/user/permissions):
    • e.g. you probably want to allow the administrator role to skip and administer CAPTCHA
  3. Administer the CAPTCHA module (admin/user/captcha):
    • Check "Add CAPTCHA administration links to forms"
  4. Add CAPTCHA to a node-add form:
    • Go to Create Content > [My Content Type] or (node/add/[my_content_type])
    • Click on "CAPTCHA: no challenge enabled"
    • On new page "CAPTCHA point administration" select a challenge type > Save
  5. Return to CAPTCHA admin page (admin/user/captcha), refresh, and notice new entry in the Form Protection section [my_content_type_node_form]


Acertijo’s picture

thanks, perfect

DarkteK’s picture

IT worked man, thx so much !!!

alliax’s picture

Even a five years old page can be very helpful today. I needed this and with the help of google I found this page. I would have wasted lot of time to find out how to do it, if I ever did found out.
Thank you.

web226’s picture
