Forgot to change my admin theme and set my theme to custom them can no longer use the admin features or even log in.

Forgot to change my admin theme and set my theme to custom them can no longer use the admin features or even log in.

What I need to know is if there is a way to fix this because what has happened is all im getting is a blank white screen I am unable to go to themes or admin theme to fix this.

bug? drupal_mail() function

I have had a problem with e-mails sended by Drupal - headers were somehow not correct:

X-Mailer: Drupal
Errors-To: =?UTF-8?B?RnJvbTogcmVkYWtjaWFAYmxhY2tob2xlLnNrClJlcGx5LXRvOiByZWRha2NpYUA=?,
Reply-To: =?UTF-8?B?RnJvbTogcmVkYWtjaWFAYmxhY2tob2xlLnNrClJlcGx5LXRvOiByZWRha2NpYUA=?,
From: =?UTF-8?B?RnJvbTogcmVkYWtjaWFAYmxhY2tob2xlLnNrClJlcGx5LXRvOiByZWRha2NpYUA=?,

Dupal Programmers Working In Harrisburg, PA / Greater Metro Area

Our organization has 3-4 websites coming down the pike that will most likely be using the drupal platform - we are currently seeking programmers that are currently working in our geographical area (Harrisburg/York/Hershey/Lancaster).

Nicole (

[Edited to remove all caps in title, also removed dup post under module development: nevets]

[D6] Deleting menu item linked to system module

One of my modules dynamically generates menu items, depending on the site admin. He may add or delete items through my module (module provides callbacks, that's why it can't be done using the standard menu page in the admin panel) and the module registers them. Adding them is no problem, but deleting them is. I can't get them out of the DB using menu_link_delete(), as it cannot delete menu items that are linked to the system module (all links created with hook_menu() probably are, even though they don't necessarily have to be made by system.module).

How to add an HTML table into a Block

Hoping someone can help.

I'm trying to paste some simple HTML code into a block that will display on the home page. It's simply a table or two, with an image and some text. But I can't get the page to display it properly. The table is blown out and there are crazy alignment issues.

QUESTION: Is it possible to paste simple HTML code (tables/images) into a Block? I've tried changing all the block settings I can think of... and no luck.

Thank you to anyone who can help!

-Benjamin Nelson
Headstand Media

I need help changing images under my navigation according the title of the nav.


I have about 8 graphic images that I would like to place according to the navigation. Should I check it based on the node and add the logic into the template file?

for ex.

if node == 1
this image should be displayed under home the tab

else if node == 2
this image should be displayed under the about us tab

else if node == 3
this image should be displayed under the contact us tab

and so.... (that can also be a switch statement)


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