Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

New Comical Site: is started with a sole focus of presenting physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology in a comical style such that students get the concepts easily and remember for a long time.

The USP of is to present trickier concepts in physics, chemistry, and maths in comical manner easier to grasp for average students who spend quite a considerable time on the net. There are related startups which present the concepts as presented in text book which may not be of much use for an average student who anyways does not love the subject such as physics, maths.

My new site D7

It's just a brochure site with not many functions but a Drupal foundation for the future. A spinoff of the Marinelli theme I made a few templates. There was significant input from the customer about how it was to look and using Drupal I could give them lots of options. Not a lot of contributed modules other than the basics; pathauto, token, wysiwyg, ckeditor, views, ga, xmlsitemap.

Any feedback what. so. ever will be valuable since I'm the only one who worked on this. | Unique deployment of Drupal 7 + Commerce

ioby — short for "In Our Backyards" — is a social microfunding web service that connects people and money to site-based environmental projects (presently only in the New York City area). All of the projects funded through ioby are conceived, designed, and run by neighbors.

Ioby worked with us at New Signature to develop the new site, using Drupal 7 as the platform.

The ioby website heavily leverages Drupal Commerce. We utilized Drupal Commerce to present a simplified and streamlined donation process to the visitor, empowering users to easily move from project selection through checkout and payment. We further extended the Drupal platform through the use of contributed and custom modules, such as the Location and GMaps modules to provide visualization of projects on the site, Views (to list projects), and the HTML5 base theme Boron.

My latest

The client for this site had thier marketing firm handle the development of thier site. The firm then went off and hired a guy to do the coding, while someone else did the design. Well, 3 weeks from the deadline, the marketing firm asked to see the site for the first time (they had been told things were going well and was ahead of schedule). Finally the developer said that he couldnt do it and he stuck them with a partially built custom CMS. They then contacted me through a mutual friend and i took on the job with a 2 week to beta deadline.


1. The site design was handled by somone who had no knowledge of drupal or any web technologies at all. They had thier print marketing designer create the look and feel of the site. So i as the developer had no input on the design.

2. The old site had a recipe database of around 700 recipes in it, which needed to be added.

3. The client had a spreadsheet of stores that carried their products, and what categories of products they carried. They wanted a google map application that showed thier locations, and the products listed.

4. The client wanted the google map searchable by not only zip code, but by city or state.

5. Different color templates and logos were required on different sections of the site.

How i approached this project:

Web designer portfolio site

here is my Drupal 6.x portfolio site and would love your feedback! Check it out here:
I'm still putting the finishing touches on the site but it's mostly finished.
and I will add the Arabic version of it soon inshaAllah.

It's mostly a Views and CCK site, with the usual Imagefield/Imagecache combo doing most of the heavy lifting. Other modules for more specific needs include:

Romku - Collaborative Software Reference Portal

Romku is an online library, community-driven, information portal software. It aims to reference all existing software, applications, suites, games, utilities, scripts, libraries, frameworks, and tools (currently over 100,000).

Each profile, created by members, provides all the information users need to decide which software to use, integrate, download, buy, contribute to, or simply play with:

  • Short description/abstract of what the software is and does
  • Categories in which the software belongs
  • User Ratings
  • Screenshots of the application in action
  • Similar software
  • list of features presented in a checklist-like table

Romku also allows users to compare multiple profiles, search by keyword and filter by OS using faceted search, mark profiles as their favourites.

As Romku is a user driven content site, any member can submit new software, edit existing profile pages, and add screenshots.



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