I was about to post this on the idea torrent site but it looks pretty abandoned.
I built a site for my company that emulates most of the functions of ideatorrent and added a few more things using popular Drupal modules. Previously I had used ideatorrent but I found it difficult to use because it was not built into drupal.
Its built based on Organic Groups, vote up/down, rules, taxonomy, views and cck, formfilter (to hide some of the groups data that are not needed). The basic display was created by using the group as the idea and posts in the group as solutions. Vote up/down was used for the voting. Taxonomy was used to create the different classifications (popular ideas, ideas in development, implemented ideas). I used the rules engine to automatically assign a taxonomy tag to a group when it was submitted which could be changed by the admin.
Views were used to create the lists of ideas in the various categories.
Advantages to this path is easy creation of other views, integration of wysiwyg, file attachments in the idea, notifications of comments and additions and the ability to build groups to help implement the idea. The individual components are all well supported.
I don' have the skills to turn this into a more self contained module but I'd love to see this idea a little more refined by the community.