Hi Folks,
I have set up a website(still in the process of completely finishing it) with the help of a fellow person of Good Will, which Promotes Good Will in varies methods.
The Orginal theme is about Alternative Healing and Health Principles following the Acid/Alkaline pH Balancing Principles, which govern the Entire universe.
For the "Beginning" and the "End" of "ALL" Life in the Universe is
controlled by the Acid Alkaline pH Balancing Principles !!!!!!!!!
"ALL" Sickness and Disease is "CAUSED" by the condition of the "Live Matter"
becomming too "ACIDIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Life is "MATTER", so when it becomes too Acidic, this
"Causes" -----------"ALL" "Disease"----------- and "Matter" begins it's
Break down and "Decay" and "Matter" becomes "Released" back into
Electro-magnetic Energy again !
"Nothing" is Gained or Lost, it "ONLY" changes it's form !
No products are being Sold, just Good Ole Fashion Common Sense about Healing and Health.
The web address is : http://sicknesshope.com/
One is only able to view the home page and Success Testimonials without registering.