www.alphansoblake.com - Built this site for an artist. Uses panels 2 and views heavily. Image cache made lite work of water marks and adjusting image sizes from whatever format/size the original image was. Given the time savings from the use of image cache I will be rebuilding my Wife's site http://www.sharonfoxart.com in Drupal next week. This site is all hand coded PHP and is difficult to maintain.
This is my new site http://beachlifeworld.com i was a big process buth now it is getting closer to the end :) Give me your best comment.
some of the module i use was
Advanced Profile Kit FCKeditor Fivestar GMap Fbconnect and a lot more :)
www.safecosmeticshop.com lists only recommended safe cosmetics currently available on Amazon.com.
The heart of the site is the great Faceted Search module by David Lesieur. Other modules used: Amazon, Amazon Store, CCK, Thickbox and a custom module to load/update the data and style the output.
Simple site that allows collecting opinions about subjects and workers of Warsaw University. Using og each subject has it's own group.
Still in development.
Spent the last few months building a fishing website using Drupal. I'm up for any comments/suggestions on it... you won't hurt my feelings! After getting past the learning curve (or at least some of it), it seems like Drupal is unstoppable. Here's the url www.sightfisher.com
I am currently building this site (allhealthtips.com) out using CCK, Panels, Views and Organic Groups on Drupal 6.14.
The goal of the site is to enable people suffering from diseases meet, share information and discuss, etc.
The=is last week has been a steep learning curve, being introduced to panels, views and groups all at the same time. Phew! I am taking a little break before I continue on with the site. I would appreciate any feedback you can provide.