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Can anyone tell me what module this site uses

Hey. I apologize if this is posted in the wrong section, just couldn't find anywhere to put it.
So my question is, can anyone tell me what module this site uses for their review database.
Is it custom made or is it something else?
Thanks in advance.

Up and Running

Finally managed to release this one... a Drupal 6 CMS for the owner to showcase the works of the artists on his books.

Hangs together quite nicely I feel, learnt one or two new things in the process so more than happy.


The Bruce Springsteen Setlist database

i write to inform that i just realized the new version of the Bruce Springsteen Setlist database using Drupal 6.14; you can see the result under , i used Marinelli theme.

France 24 migrates to Drupal 6, codebase to be open-sourced

France 24France 24 is a public 24/7 international news channel broadcast in three languages: French, English and Arabic. Its mission is to cover international current events from a French perspective and to convey French values throughout the world. The channel provides keys to understanding complex events through in-depth analysis. France 24 also puts culture at the forefront of its programming. France24 is part of the AEF (the "Audiovisuel Extérieur de la France" or French foreign media), along with RFI (a radio station) and TV5 (a TV station).

Launched in December, 2006, the website was originally based on a Java CMS, Magnolia. But due to stability problems, we switched to Drupal 5 in mid-2008. We have just migrated to Drupal 6 and a brand new codebase. This case study covers this migration, focusing on the technical part, and describes some of our homegrown modules to be open-sourced.

The monthy traffic of the France 24 websites is around 5 million unique visitors. A more geeky metric is that the site runs 300-400 concurrent active Apache threads at all times.

College Mag Site - Renesa

Hey guys, this is another of my Drupal sites .Its a site for Univ Monthly Mag. We want to give it a social networking touch. Any suggestions are welcome. Mail me at


Case Study: AVbarn (Oral History of Illinois Agriculture)

The following is an abstract for a presentation I'll give in April:

The Illinois State Museum's Audio-Video Barn contains over 300 hours of oral history interviews pertaining to agriculture in Illinois. The interviews range in date from new sessions recorded in 2007-2009, to archival sessions recorded between 1952 and 1993. The memories recorded in these interviews stretch from 2009 back to the 1880s. Other associated data, such as photographs and transcriptions, are also available in the A-V Barn.


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