There are many modules which extend Webform, including integration with third-party software.

Project Description 3.x 4.x Notes
Webform UUID UUID Support for Webform nodes (not the submissions, thats a separate module called Webform UUID Submissions). This allows you to reference a webform via its UUID rather than its NID. This is useful for referencing a webform with hook_form_alter across multiple servers without having to sync NIDs. It makes exporting/importing with features/feeds easy as well. Yes Yes
Webform Geofield Provide a simple way to geocode a submission based on submitted values from other components. No Yes
Webform Structured Text Webform component that uses a mask to force data entry in a specific way, such as for phone numbers, postal codes, license keys, etc. Yes Yes
Apply for role - Webform Enables the use of Webform to collect applications for the Apply for Role module. Handbook Yes
Arrange Fields Provides a drag-and-drop UI and markup insertion for styling the fields in a Webform. Handbook Yes
Clientside Validation Adds client-side validation (aka "Ajax form validation") for using jquery.validate. Handbook Yes
Evaluate forms was made by Webform module Provides simple calculation/evaluation of submissions ?
Google Analytics Contact Form, Webform, Rules Email Appends Google Analytics information to the bottom of the Contact, WebForm, and Rules emails. ?
Honeypot Uses both the honeypot and timestamp methods of deterring spam bots from completing forms. handbook ?
Multi-column checkboxes radios Displays checkboxes and radios in columns. ?
Name Field Adds a component for collecting personal names Yes
ND Webform (part of Node displays contributions) Node Displays add-on for Webform nodes. ?
Organic Groups Webform Integration Provides integration with Organic Groups. Allows permissioned users edit any webform content for which they are a group administrator. Yes
Permissions per Webform Allows you to apply standard Webform permissions to each of your Webforms. Yes Yes
Piecentage Displays a piegraph based UI for entering multiple number fields that need to total 100% Yes
Progress Bar + Counter Displays a progress bar or counter from any source. Current versions' default is counting webform submissions. Yes Yes
Rules Webform Submitted Adds a Condition to Rules that allows you to test to see if a specific webform node has been submitted by the current user. ? Webform Rules supports the Event "Webform Submitted", while Rules Webform Submitted provides a Condition which is typically triggered by a Node Event.
Select (or other) Provides a select/radios/checkboxes component that has an "other" option. When "other" is selected a textfield appears for the user to provide a custom value. Yes
SignatureField Allows the collection of HTML5 Canvas-based signatures, then displays the collected signature as a transparent png. Uses the Signature Pad jQuery plugin. ?
Squeeze page Force visitors to complete a form before (s)he accesses a particular page. ?
Sweepstakes Provides a node type that allows authenticated users to enter sweepstakes; can be attached to a Webform. ?
Table Tidy Declutters results tables, making them easier to read. Yes Yes
Views Aggregator Plus Post-process your results with spreadsheet-like functionality Yes
VoIP Webform Creates a VoipDrupal dialplan script from a Webform. It can then send and receive calls with the included incoming call router. When the call is finished, the input from the user (using the keypad) is internally submitted to the webform as if the user filled it out through a browser. ?
VoteSmart Webform Provides a legislative representative lookup component. Resultant representatives with email addresses can then be used as Webform submission recipients. Yes
Webform2PDF Generates PDF documents from the results of a form. The PDF can be attached to the form summary e-mail or downloaded from the Results page. documentation Yes Yes Requires TCPDF 4.5.000 or later.
Webform A/B Testing Allows admins to setup A/B tests containing several webforms to determine which is most effective. Yes
Webform Accordion Allows grouping the fields of a webform inside of a jQuery Accordion control. Yes Yes
Webform Add More Enables selected fieldsets to be initially hidden and progressively shown with an "Add more" button. Yes
Webform Ajax Page Allows AJAX paging on multi-page webforms. Yes
Webform Alternate UI Drag-and-drop form-building tool that replaces the Webform form components UI. Yes
Webform Anonymous Gives the creator of a webform the option to make the submission results anonymous by hiding the username and IP of all the users who submitted the webform. Yes Yes
Webform Auto Field Adds a textarea component to enter a list of field titles and an additional field to select textfield or textarea generation. This list is used to automatically generate fields for each one of the items in the list. Yes
Webform Autocomplete Adds an autocomplete widget. Yes Can autocomplete from an admin-defined list, or from existing submissions.
Webform Bagatelles Exposes multiform step/page number for CSS styling and block visibility. ? Yes
Webform Block Allows embedding a Webform node into a block. No Functionality is now included in Webform 3.3. Do not install this module at the same time as Webform 3.x.
Webform Block Allows you to put the currently viewed webform in any region. „CCK blocks“ for webform. Yes Yes
Webform Bonus Pack Provides mapping, summary/review, txt export, and digest functions. Yes
Webform Broadcast Provides the ability to broadcast an email to addresses identified through a specific webform component. ?
Webform Chart The primary usage of this module is to display webform results in a graphical manner using a charting library. The chart results page can be accessed for visitors depending on permissions. Webform component results can be individually display as a chart. Yes Yes Render charts using a third-party charting library. Currently supported Charts module (recommended) and Google chart API module.
Webform Clear Removes Webform submissions from the database along with uploads either immediately after they have been emailed or after a specific time period (a day/a week/a month). Yes Yes
Webform Component Roles Allows webform creators to restrict which roles can use webform components per webform. Yes Yes
Webform Conditional (Same Page Conditionals) Adds the ability to make components dependent on select components (i.e. listboxes, radio buttons, and checkboxes) that appear on the same page. handbook Yes Yes Incompatible with Webform Rules, Arrange Fields, and Select (or Other). Now part of Webform 4 core.
Webform Conditional Confirmation Messages allows you to display different confirmation messages depending on the values entered. Yes
Webform Confirm Email Address Users get send an email with a link to confirm the address they provided in the webform. After the confirmation several actions can be defined. Yes Yes
Webform Countdown Provides a textarea component for Drupal webforms with a configurable, twitter-style dynamic word or character count. Yes
Webform Default Fields Allows easy re-creation of Webform nodes by associating default fields with a Webform content type. Yes Yes
Webform Draggable List Provides a component that displays a list of items that can be sorted by the visitor using drag and drop. The order is stored into the submissions. Yes
Webform Email Reply Allows a user to reply to a webform submission through the CMS. Yes Yes
Webform Encrypt Creates the ability to encrypt fields/components using the Encrypt module. Yes
Webform Entity Exposes Webform submissions as a fieldable Entity. Yes See also Webform Submission Entity. "Please note that these fields, while exposed to views, do not integrate with the core webform reporting, emails or exports at this time."
Webform events Allows a Webform-enabled content type to be flagged as an "event," providing event status and attendance limit settings. ?
Webform features Provides features support webform_features allows you to capture webform settings and configuration using machine names and uuids instead of environment dependant node ids. Yes Yes A must have module.
webform-fivestar Provides a fivestar rating component. ?
Webform gmap Adds a "Map location" component to a webform, which gives users the ability to pick a location from the map by dragging a marker. ?
Webform HTML Textarea Provides a textarea component for Webform module with input filter support. Supports the WYSIWYG API module. Yes
Webform Import Allows delimited data files to be imported as submission (results) into webforms. handbook Yes
Webform Invitation Allows you to restrict submissions to a webform by generating codes (which may then be distributed e.g. by email to participants). Yes Yes
Webform Layout Provides a "layout container" component to allow arranging fields in rows or columns. Yes Yes
Webform Mass Email Provides functionality to send mass email for the subscribers of a Webform.. Yes Implement validation rules in your own module through hooks.
Webform MySQL Views Builds flattened, read-only MySQL views of Webform submission data. Yes
Webform Multiple (WFM) Allows Webform components to have more than one value. Similar to Webform Add More, with a different approach. The user completing the form can add instances of the component with an 'Add another item' button. Works with or without JavaScript. No Yes Unstable
Webform Multiple File Upload Uses the Multiple file upload jQuery plugin to handle multiple file uploads. ?
Webform Node Element Allows inclusion node content as markup in a Webform. Yes
Webform Options Markup Allows creating checkbox/radio lists with HTML markup in the field labels. Yes ?
Webform Paths Allows users to assign multiple paths to a single webform. ?
Webform Pay Provides a Payment component to Webform, allowing users to use payment gateways provided by the Pay module. Yes
Webform Paymethod Select Adds a webform component that allows embedding payments (as in payment) into webforms. Yes Yes
Webform PHP Adds the ability to execute arbitrary PHP code when a Webform is validated or submitted, which was removed in Webform 3. handbook Yes "This module is extremely dangerous and you should not use it."
Webform Postal Code Provides a webform component with strong, configurable postal code validation. Can be set to handle multiple countries simultaneously. Yes
Webform Private Upload Allows you to set up file upload fields in Webforms to be private ? May not be applicable in Drupal 7.
Webform Profile Allows the Webform creator to choose which profile fields they would like to add to their Webform, and then those fields will be auto-populated when the Webform is filled out. ?
Webform Protected Downloads Allows protected downloads: When a user submits a webform with protected files he will be sent an email with a link to the downloads page. The link contains an individual hash code that will be checked upon page load to verify the access. If verification fails access will be denied. If it succeeds the user will see the default private upload file listing with all protected files that are attached to the webform. Yes
Webform Publications Useful for creating letter writing campaigns aimed at newspapers and other publications using webforms. Provides a component for Drupal webforms populated with selectable publications. If configured, to collect a zip/postal code from a component on a a previous form page, the publications component will reduce this list of publications to those with addresses in a set range. Yes
Webform References Adds a Node/Term/User reference type webform component. Yes Yes
Webform register Adds a Webform component that collects user registration details and creates a new Drupal account. Yes See also Webform registration.
Webform Registration Adds a Webform component that collects user registration details and creates a new Drupal account. ? See also Webform register.
Webform Reply To Allows setting of a "Reply-To" e-mail header on Webform e-mails. Yes Yes
Webform Report Allows users to create simple, dynamic reports based on data collected by Webform. handbook ?
Webform Revisions Gives basic revisioning functionality to Webform submissions. Yes
Webform Roster Allows you to attach a "roster" Webform to a primary Webform. The roster's link can be emailed to users that complete the primary Webform. ?
Webform Rules Makes it possible to catch Webform submissions using Rules (and do whatever you'd like to do with it). Yes Webform Rules supports the Event "Webform Submitted", while Rules Webform Submitted provides a Condition which is typically triggered by a Node Event.
Webform SameAs Makes a "Same As" component available for use on your webforms. Yes
Webform Scheduler Allows webform creators to specify a start and end date for webforms. It has Date Popup integration for easy date and time selection. Yes Yes
Webform Service Makes Webform results available via Services. Yes
Webform Share Helper module to prepopulate newly created Webforms. Yes
Webform Simplenews Component Provides a component called "Newsletter e-mail" that allows to link webform nodes to one or more Simplenews newsletter subscriptions Yes
Webform Simple Payments Adds a component for collecting payments using Simple Payments. Yes
Webform SSL Forces all Webforms and Webform submission results to be viewed and submitted entirely via SSL via the Secure Pages module. Yes
Webform SSN Provides a component for Social Security Numbers. SSN field value is masked. Yes Webform Encrypt recommended.
Webform Steps Makes the pages in the progressbar clickable. Yes Yes webform_steps-7.x-2.x includes a backport of the progressbar to webform-7.x-3.x.
Webform Submissions ACL Grant individual users access to the results of specific webforms. ?
Webform Submission Entity Exposes Webform submissions as Entities, for example to build Relations between a submission and another Entity. Yes See also Webform Entity.
Webform Matrix Component Adds a new matrix or table Component. where you can add element in multiple rows and multiple columns. Yes Yes
Webform Add Existing Component Add existing Component in new webform. Yes Yes Work like CCK add existing field element
Webform Table Element Adds a new component that allows you to render multiple components inside a table element. Yes
Webform Template A mechanism for copying webform configuration from one node to another. Yes Yes
Webform Term Options Adds a pre-built option lists of taxonomy terms to be used in webform 3.x components. Yes
Webform Tokens Provides tokens for webform submissions. Yes Not needed in Webform 4; tokens are built-in
Webform Userpoints Integrate the User Points system and allows individual Webform submissions to award points to the submitter. ?
Webform Validation Adds an extra tab to each webform node, allowing you to specify validation rules for your webform component. Handbook Yes Yes Implement validation rules in your own module through hooks.
Webform View Reference Component Adds a webform component where you could use a View as a datasource for a select component. Yes
Webform FTP "Webform FTP" extends the excellent Webform module by adding an option that exports submissions into CSV file and uploads the file to the server folder. Yes Yes
Webform Sermepa Webform Sermepa module provides a webform component to offer support for Spanish banks that use Sermepa/Redsys/Servired systems. Yes Yes
Webform Archive This module adds functionality of archiving webform submissions. It also allows
downloading reports for those archives. Such an archive will reduce overhead on
webform submission tables and the database queries for select and insert will be
faster thereby improving the performance.
Yes Yes
Webform Password Field Lets you use password fields on a webform No Yes
Webform Redhen Create a Redhen CRM entity directly from a webform with fields mapped in the UI. Yes Yes Requires Redhen CRM.
Webform draft authlink Let anonymous users continue draft webforms with an authlink. ? Yes
Webform Autofill Attribute Allows you to add html5 autofill (autocomplete) attributes to your
form elements to help browsers autofill correctly.
? Yes
Webform Views Integration Exposes Webform submissions to Views. ? ?
Webform Help Text Provides info icon to Webform fields and displays tooltips for the users with configurable help text. Yes Webform field tooltips.
Webform Views Select Provides a Views display that can be used as an option source for Webform Select components. Yes Yes
Webform Skip Makes a multi-step webform's progress bar "clickable" so users can skip to various parts of the form quickly. Yes
Webform Tooltip Allows you to show your webform component's description as a tooltip (responsive) on mouse hover event. Yes
Webform Random This module provides a checkbox on the WebformForm Form Settings page to randomize webforms. Yes
Label Scanner Scans webform labels for specific words and sends/displays a report or a notification in the UI. No Yes


Project Description 3.x 4.x Notes
Authorize.Net® Payment Webform Enables a site administrator to allow payments through a Webform submission through Authorize.Net. ? Cannot be enabled on the same webform as the Salesforce Webform Web-to-Lead integration module
Capsule CRM Webform Integration Allows Webform to submit Leads directly into Capsule CRM. ?
Commerce Webform Allows adding products to the Drupal Commerce cart by Webform submission. Yes Yes Make sure you install the correct branch for your version of webform
e-Commerce Webform Products Allows adding products to the cart by Webform submission. ?
eloqua Builds Webforms that parallel forms in the eloqua marketing system, allowing direct submission into eloqua. ?
Engaging Networks E-activist Integration Imports e-activist actions from Engaging Networks, renders them as Webforms, and sends the submissions to Engaging Networks for fulfillment to the elected officials targeted in the e-activist action. Yes
Enterprise Webform Enables you to add Webforms that can be emailed and/or saved to a database. Yes
Filemaker Form Builds Webforms that submit to Filemaker databases hosted on a Filemaker server. ?
Highrise Integration Submits Webforms into Highrise. Yes
HubSpot Leads Submits Webforms directly to HubSpot's lead management system. handbook Yes
Marketo MA Easily create forms which update Marketo leads. Yes Yes
Webform Inkdit Provides integration for the agree widget from Inkdit. ?
Salesforce Web-to-Lead Webform Data Integration Allow the easy creation of webforms that feed a account, using Salesforce Web-to-Lead. Yes Yes
Salesforce Webform Data Integration Allow the easy creation of webforms that feed a account. Yes
Salesforce Webform Integration Extends the Salesforce API module to allow mapping between Webform submissions and Salesforce objects. ?
Salesforce Webforms Extends the Salesforce API module to allow mapping between Webform submissions and multiple Salesforce objects using substitution tokens like those used for email and confirmation form templates. Yes Yes
SugarCRM Webform Integration Adds configuration fields to editing the Webforms, and constrains the field keys on the form to parameters that the SugarCRM lead captures script can process. ?
Ubercart Event Registration Allows collection of event registration in Webform and payment through Ubercart. No
Ubercart Webform Checkout Pane Allows you to define Webform nodes as checkout/order panes in Ubercart. No No Functionality is now included in Webform 3.3. Do not install this module at the same time as Webform 3.x. Unsupported due to an unfixed security vulnerability.
Ubercart Webform Integration Allows selling of Ubercart products directly from Webforms. Yes
Ubercart Webform Productize Creates an Ubercart product node that is paired with content types used by webform_associate. ?
Webform CiviCRM Integration A smart form-builder and processor for working with CiviCRM contacts, events, activities, cases, and other data. Yes Yes More powerful than CiviCRM profiles. Added payment collection since 7.x-4.x.
Webform Constant Contact Component Provides a component for managing list subscribers via the Constant Contact module. Email addresses along with other fields from the form can be sent directly to a Constant Contact account. Yes
Webform ExactTarget Allows the use of Webform for submitting ExactTarget subscriptions. Yes Development on indefinite hold.
Webform Mailchimp Provides a webform component that lets users subscribe to a Mailchimp newsletter as they submit a webform. Yes
Webform Paypal Sends the user to PayPal to complete a payment whenever they submit a webform containing the component on your site. Yes Does not directly integrate with Paypal's APIs.
Webform2Sugar Captures Webform results as a new lead in SugarCRM data. Yes
Webform Remote Post Send completed form data to any URL for further processing. Presumably, an application or script that will use the form data and perform further processing of it. Yes
Webform Custom buttons Customize the button label via form builder, customize the button text on multi-step forms Yes ?
Webform Steps Visualize the steps of a multi-step webform and allow navigation between steps (including validation) Yes ?
Webform Localization Let you enable different ways to manage translation of webforms. Yes Yes
Webform Calculation Components Let you insert calculated fields, e.g. the total amount, calculated percentage etc.. No Yes
Webform SugarCRM Integration Module provides complete integration between Webform module and SugarCRM -
field mapping between the two sustems and also on webform submission module creates a recorcd into the SugarCRM at the mapped field modules.
Yes Module depends on SugarCRM RESTfull API.

Obsolete or unsupported related projects include Webform Associate and Webform Dialog.