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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

ImageCache Actions

Imagecache Effects

This module provides a suite of additional image effects that can be added to image styles. The image styles admin submodule also adds the 'duplicate', 'export' and 'import' actions to image styles administration.


Apereo CAS logo

This module provide single sign-on capability for your Drupal site by implementing the

The Better Mega Menu

The Better Mega Menu Logo

TB Mega Menu lets you create drop-down menus that include links, images, and more. It syncs with Drupal core menus, allows blocks to be added, and offers custom styling and accessibility features.

Media Library Form API Element

This module provides a Form API element to select a Media entity from the Media Library. This element can be used in all standalone forms.

Webform Validation

Webform Validation module

This module adds an extra tab to each Webform node, allowing you to specify validation rules for your Webform components. You can create one or more of the predefined validation rules, and select which Webform component(s) should be validated against those. By using the hooks provided by this module, you can also define your own validation rules in your own modules.

OAuth 1.0

This module implements the OAuth 1.0 standard for use with Drupal and acts as a support module for other modules that wish to use OAuth.

For OAuth 2.0, install the Oauth 2.0 module instead of this one.

Fullcalendar View

This is a View plugin module that provides a calendar view format powered by FullCalendar JavaScript library

Security Review

Security review example results page

The Security Review module automates testing for many of the easy-to-make mistakes that render your site insecure.

Views fieldsets

Views fields UI


This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers.

Facet API

Facet displays


The Facet API module allows site builders to easily create and manage faceted search interfaces. In addition to the UI components that come out of the box, themers and module developers can build their own widgets that can optionally be contributed back to Facet API works with the core Search, Search API, and Apache Solr Search Integration modules (including Acquia Search) meaning that code and configuration can be reused as-is with the most popular search solutions available to Drupal. Refer to the documentation for more details.

How to Contribute


The LoginToboggan module offers several modifications of the Drupal login system in an external module by offering the following features and usability improvements:


Test message

HTML Mail lets you theme your email messages the same way you theme the rest of your website.

Internationalization Views

Translate views using Internationalization. This is a work in progress and not all Views properties can be translated yet. Requires Internationalization 6.x-1.5 or newer.

This module has been moved from Internationalization package so we can have different branches compatible with each of the Views versions. Use the same branch of the Views version you are using (2.x. 3.x)


Drupal 6 i18nviews 2.x

The 2.x version has grown up over some time. It was already a long way to go and we've collected handler by handler to improve support for all possible cases. However we've also learned that views 2.x translation is sometimes very ugly and hackish. Performance is limited.

Drupal 6 i18nviews 3.x

Views 3 introduces a complete new translation layer. We have pushed views 3 improvements to have a clean next-generation translation system that allows cleaner solution with scaleable performance.
We're working on a stable 3.x solution: We're almost there.

Drupal 7

There's a basic D7 port available now. Quality review and finalizing still pending. Your feedback appreciated. Note that we rely on the latest Views 7.x-3.x-dev version, not the alpha or rc.
The work was primary done by Miro Dietiker of MD Systems and dereine of Erdfisch.

New maintainer for i18nviews

Block Visibility Groups

Block Group Listing

Block Visibility Groups allows the site administrator to easily manage complex visibility settings that apply to any block placed in a visibility group.

Checklist API

Example checklist

Checklist API Provides a simple interface for modules to create fillable, persistent checklists that track progress with completion times and users. You don't need this unless you're a module developer or you want to use a module that calls for it.

Real Name

The RealName module allows the administrator to choose fields from the user profile that will be used to add a "real name" element (method) to a user object. Hook_user is used to automatically add this to any user object that is loaded. It will also optionally set all nodes and comments to show this name.

Scheduler content moderation integration

This is a submodule for the scheduler module to integrate with content moderation.


Input Widget > Table Display

This module allows you to attach tabular data to an entity. The input form allows the user to specify the number of rows/columns and allows entry into each table cell using text fields.

Default Content


Default content gives your module and install profile a way to ship default content as well as configuration.


HTML5 Video


This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers.

Field Validation

Field validation

Custom validation rules for your field instances. Multiple validators are available: regular expression, unique value, min or max length, banned words, numeric value range, must be empty and many more. In Drupal 8 validators are plugins, create your own validator or extend some of the existing.

Select 2

Integrates Drupal autocomplete and select fields with the Select2 jQuery library.
