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51,619 modules match your search

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Views Reference Filter

This module provides the views filter for entity ID or entity reference fields:

Colorbox Inline

colorbox_inline allows you to open content already on the page within a colorbox.

Menu Item Role Access

User roles allowed to access menu items

Menu Item Role Access allows you to restrict to the menu items users see without having completely separate menus, controlling access all based on user role.

Menu Firstchild

By default, Drupal requires that you enter a path for each menu link you add/edit from the Menu administration page.
There are cases you may want to create a parent item, without any path, that simply links to its first viewable child item.
Menu Firstchild provides this functionality.

Facebook Page Plugin

The Page Plugin is a social plugin that enables Facebook Page owners to attract and gain Likes from their own website. The Like Box enables users to:

  • See how many users already like this Page, and which of their friends like it too
  • Read recent posts from the Page
  • Like the Page with one click, without having to actually visit the page

This simple module provides a block to integrate this plugin into Drupal, and allows users with 'administer blocks' permission to configure the different attributes provided by Facebook in the block configuration.


Get content/entity/user data from inside Drupal to the client-side/front-end.

Translate Drupal with GTranslate


GTranslate uses Google power to translate your Drupal website into 103 available languages and make it available to more than 99% of internet users upon installation for FREE.

Translate your Drupal with GTranslate and Go Global!

Compared to other translation modules for Drupal, we offer most of their features for free. In addition to that, we can offer complete SEO features with our paid options, which can make your website to be found in search engines in different languages which will increase your international traffic.

GTranslate is a leading website translation services provider since 2008. It moves away the language barriers increasing chances for successful conversion.

Translate and Go Global

Translate your website in minutes and reach international markets. Multilingual SEO available.

Translate and Increase Traffic

Translate your website to talk to your visitors in their native language. Translated keywords can be indexed and increase your international traffic.

Translate and Save

Translate your Drupal website using human and automatic translations and cut huge costs.


  • Auto-switch language based on browser defined language
  • Available styles: Float, Dropdown, Flags, Flags with dropdown, Nice dropdown with flags, Flags with language names, Flags with language codes, Language names, Language codes, Globe, Popup
  • Multilingual language names in native alphabet
  • Alternative flags for Quebec, Canada, USA, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia
  • Lightweight - no jQuery or other heavy library dependency
  • Lazy loading for language flags and javascript libraries to boost performance
  • Live Chat Support

Paid Features

  • Neural machine translations with human level translation quality
  • You can manually correct translations
  • Multilingual SEO - Enable search engine indexing
  • Increase traffic and AdSense revenue
  • Search engine friendly (SEF) URLs
  • Sub-domain ( for each language
  • Sub-directory ( for each language
  • Custom domain ( for each language
  • URL Translation is possible ( ->
  • In context translation interface
  • Meta data translation (meta keywords, meta description)
  • Translating microdata for better search engine appearance
  • Seamless updates (cloud service updated on our side - SaaS, you do not need to worry about backups on your side)
  • Add skip phrases
  • Skip translation by CSS
  • Client dashboard to see analytics and manage GTranslate service
  • Translation Proxy (aka Translation Delivery Network)
  • Centralized Translation Cache - We revise and improve translations over time
  • Language Hosting (e.g. custom domain for French)
  • Not blocked in China
  • AMP translation (Accelerated Mobile Pages translation)
  • Image localization - Media translation

Please use our free Live chat for your questions and support requests! We will help to configure the language selector appearance on your website.

Imagecache Token

This module provides additional tokens for image fields. For each image style available, a token [node:field_image_field:style_name] will be provided.

Drush Language Commands

Drupal 8 Version

The 8.x-dev version currently is undergoing a massive streamlining in the translations-export and translaions-import commands to eventually move this component to core (#1820542: Make customized translations deployable). Please check on updates for syntax changes. If you want to track this or help, see #2922656: Roadmap to stable D8 release.


Drush commands allowing languages to be added, switched, enabled, disabled, imported, exported and update prefix from the commandline. This module only provides drush commands, so you will see no functionality in the UI.

Media Entity Download

Media entity download seeks to solve a content management issue when dealing with files and media.


  • Branch 8.x-1.x old branch (old templates, only bugfixes, deprecated)


Drupal, pdf.js, shenzhuxi, html5

Use HTML5 to display PDF files if users don't have pdf plugin for their browsers.
Thanks to pdf.js project by Mozilla.

Devel PHP

The Execute feature has been removed from the Devel module for Drupal 8 since version 2.0. This module re-adds back that feature as an external module.

SAML Authentication

Allows users to authenticate against a SAML Identity Provider to log in to your Drupal site. (This means your Drupal site serves as a SAML Service Provider.)

Omega Tools

Omega Tools

DISCLAIMER: Do not use Omega Tools with the 4.x version of Omega. Please create your 4.x subthemes using Drush!

Custom Search

This module alters the default search box in many ways. If you need to have options available like in advanced search, but directly in the search box, this module is for you.

The module adds options to select: which content type(s) to search, which specific module search to use (node, help, user or any module that implements search), which taxonomy term to search in the results (by vocabulary), which input type to use.

There are also options to: change the default search box label, add a default text in the search box, add advanced search criteria, change the default submit button text, use an image instead of the submit button, change the order of all the elements, include some elements in a popup block, and a filter can be added to the results page.

Field Slideshow


Provides a Slideshow formatter for Image fields, using JQuery Cycle plugin.


Drupal 8

Entityform is now eForm for Drupal 8 (to avoid name confusion). Although there is no stable release yet and the most active and direct alternative is Contact Storage ( + Core Contact). This module adds much of Drupal 7 EntityForm functionality to the core Contact module.


The Entityform module enables you to create front-end forms (fieldable entities), which contain fields that you define! These forms use the standard Drupal fields. This means that out of the box, you can use any standard Drupal node field! As of the time this article was written, there were over three hundred "field" modules. And since Entityforms are "Drupal entities", you will automatically be able to use future "field" modules!

The forms can be used to create custom surveys, petition, and personalized contact forms, and other customized form. (For those of you who have used Webforms, this module brings Webform's functionality into the "standard" Drupal field / entity world.)

As with everything in Drupal, there are Pros and Cons to using Entityform. All though Entityform is a powerful tool, it is not always the best solution. The article When to Use Entityform discusses the advantages and disadvantages that Entityform may have over other methods of creating user "submittable" forms. Do not use Entityform for forms that will contain 150+ form elements

Reccomended Versions

The Drupal 8 verision of Entityform has been renamed to EForm(to avoid name confusion).

For new users the 7. x-2. x alpha versions are recommended. These versions are also recommended for current 7.x-1.x users who are NOT using built in Rules integration. The only remaining issues with them is upgrading 7.x-1.x Rules integrations to use Entity Rules.

The Problem

While Webform is a great module with a huge following, it does not integrate with standard Drupal field or entity aware modules. And while Webform can be integrated into Rules and Views via additional modules, it does add complexity and overhead.

The Solution

To solve these issues, the Entityform module was created. It is a survey creation tool that allows integrates with standard Drupal field and entity aware modules out of the box.


  • Ability to attach any Drupal Field to the Forms
  • Ability to use most field based and entity aware modules.
  • You can download submitted data to XML and / or CSV data files using View Data Export.
  • Rules based form submission notifications. Allows for complex notifications logic.
  • Rules based form access control. Allows for complex access logic.
  • Use Views to create to create an administrative listing of each Entityform type Submissions for fine grain control.

File Upload Secure Validator

This is a very simple and small module which performs a server side validation for the extension of an uploaded file of any content type's file field.

Views Block Exposed Filter Blocks

Views gives you the ability to create blocks for your page views' exposed filters, allowing you to place your exposed filters in arbitrary regions (via Core Block module, Context, or Panels).

Less CSS Preprocessor


This is a preprocessor for LESS files.

This module will automatically process any LESS files that are added using drupal_add_css(), or added through your module/theme's .info file.

Add your files just like any other css file, just with ".css.less" as the extension, and they will be automatically processed.

RTL support will work as long as your file extension is ".css.less".

7.x-4.0 Features (PHP 5.3+ required)

7.x-3.0 Features

There are several new features:

The included less_demo module should provide API demonstration for new features.


  • Libraries API
  • less.php and unpack it so that '' is located at 'sites/all/libraries/lessphp/'.


Fully compatible with CSS aggregation:

Drupal 6 "Optimize CSS files" setting under "Administer→Site configuration→Performance" (admin/settings/performance).

Drupal 7 "Aggregate and compress CSS files" setting under "Administration→Configuration→Development→Performance" (admin/config/development/performance)
