Mail list manager within Drupal - is this possible?


I have been evaluating various mailing list modules and searching for a mail-list solution in Drupal that does more-or-less the following:

* The list basically mimics mailman functionality entirely within Drupal.
* New users register with the (Drupal) site and elect to join the mailing list.
* Any new message sent to the mailing list (via email) is intercepted by the module and is published as a new node on the site.
* Any reply to an existing topic on the mailing list (via email) is intercepted by the module and is published as a comment to the appropiate existing node.
* Any new node (depending upon taxonomy item or possibly node type) is sent to the mailing list.
* Any new comment to an existing node is sent to the mailing list.
* Users subscribe / unsubscribe to the mailing list similar to the existing Drupal mailing list implementations.
* Ideally there should be a type of selection matrix (similar to access control - /admin/user/access) that allows control over the various node and comment options that are published to the mailing list.
* In due course multiple mailing lists may be required, but for now a single mailing list per site would suffice.
* In order to keep the performance level of the server within acceptable levels, the number of emails sent per hour must be configurable ie 200 mails per hour.

Managing Multiple Google Maps API keys

Problem: We maintain separate dev, test and production instances of our sites: - a localhost development site - an internet-facing test site - the client's production site

Because each has a separate domain name, the Google map API key is different for each instance. Since the API key is saved in variables table of the database by default, in the past we would manually update the API key at http://whicheverURL/admin/settings/gmap after pushing the database from dev to test to production.

There are a number of ways to handle this. You could write a script that runs as part of your deployment process that updates the API key in the variables table, or use the Keys module.

Another solution that we've found was to override the API key value in our settings.php file.

At the bottom of the settings.php file, you will find the following section to override variable settings:

* Variable overrides:
* To override specific entries in the 'variable' table for this site,
* set them here. You usually don't need to use this feature. This is
* useful in a configuration file for a vhost or directory, rather than
* the default settings.php. Any configuration setting from the 'variable'
* table can be given a new value.

Creating a branch from eclipse IDE

I'm trying to create a branch for the 6.x version of a module I'm updating to 6. I'd like to know how to do that from the Eclipse IDE. There is a "Branch" option in "Team", but that only seems to tag, if I look at the cvs output (and automatically adds the module name to the tag, making the Pre-tag check fail). Any ideas?

Thx, F.J.

Taxonomy based category menu in sidebar

I have created taxonomies and vocabularies and sorted my content in them, but i need php snippets which will automatically create the a navigation list in the sidebar, much like the Taxonomy_menu module.
Unfortunately I installed drupal 6-x and cant use the taxonomy_menu module.
Any sniplets/ module conversion guides will be welcome.

ps: i don't mind digging my fingers into a little PHP :)

What's different about a Drupal theme vs a standard CSS/HTML layout?

I am curious as to what is entailed in the development of a Drupal theme compared to designing a CSS/HTML skin for another type of site.

Is there additional features to a Drupal theme that you wouldn't find in another type of layout for a non-drupal site?

Any additional skillsets necessary up and above CSS, HTML and PHP in order to successfully design a theme?

Any help would be mucho appreciated.

Kind regards,


Administrator notification of new user

I can't seem to find a way, either within Drupal or via a module, with which to alert the administrator of the site by email when a new user registers.

Any ideas?


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