
Feeds is a pluggable system for importing or aggregating content into Drupal. Out of the box, it supports

  • import or aggregation from RSS feeds, Atom feeds, OPML files or CSV files
  • import from an XML, or HTML document using Feeds extensible parsers (or Feeds XPath Parser for Drupal 6)
  • generation of users, nodes, terms or simple database records
  • granular mapping (e. g. map the "author" column of a CSV file to a CCK field or map the title of an RSS feed item to a term name)
  • multiple simultaneous configurations organized in "Importers"
  • overridable default configuration for the most common use cases
  • "Feeds as nodes" paradigm as well as "Standalone" import forms
  • aggregation (periodic import) on cron
  • PubSubHubbub subscriptions
  • views-style exportables (using CTools)
  • a views-style plugin API (using CTools) providing a powerful API for rapidly adjusting Feeds to specific use cases on site builds: add other import sources or targets in a straightforward way


This is the basic documentation page for the Drupal OpenLayers module. Documentation is grouped by major version.

Please note that in the 1.x version, there is a large amount of documentation within the module that is integrated with the Advanced Help module.

For newcomers, here's a presentation from Antonio Santiago on OpenLayers.

Obtaining support for Panels issues

Before you open a new or add to an existing issue, please follow these guidelines:

    1. Provide an export of your Panel, and View if applicable, that can reproduce your problem. If at all possible, do so without requiring any contrib or even custom created fields. This vastly increases the chance that your issue will receive attention, as it immediately provides a baseline for the developers to work from. Otherwise they need to set up a new Drupal environment, and figure out how to emulate your precise settings as well.
    2. Search for duplicate issues.
    3. Do not hijack issues. It's confusing to everyone involved in the original issue, to other people who might have the same issue as you, and it's rude.
    4. Support requests should be very specific, narrow scope items. Broad or vague support requests or general pleas for help are best left to the forums, where you will get more eyes.
  1. When opening a new issue, failure to completely fill out all fields may result in the immediate closure of your issue due to lack of information.

    Reasons your issue may be summarily closed:

    1. Failure to follow paragraph 1.1 without any explanation.
    2. Your issue has been left marked "Postponed, maintainer needs more info" for more than 30 days.

Panels 3: Video tutorials

Table of content

Drupal 7

Introduction to Panel 3

Using Boost & Blogging About It

Sites Using Boost (alphabetically)

  • CouponCodeSwap.com - Just installed Boost (June 15, 2010) and already seeing massive benefits vs Drupal core cache on a site that has many daily updates.
  • Главные новости Ульяновска - Just installed Boost (Boost (cache based on RAM disk) + Nginx since 2010) It is News site and need realy fast site work. Boost can get it, core Cache NOT!
  • CarbonPig | Building Renewable Energy - Using boost since 2007!
  • C programming Boost boosts the speed of our programming website.
  • devdaily.com - A 28x speed improvement with Boost
  • E-duca.eu Boost is impressive in our site, the better improvement in performance we have seen. Our Drupal site flies now loading pages, our frontpage was taken 8 seconds to load, and now is inmediate load (0.5-2 seconds) plenty loaded of information. Just fantastic.
  • Environmental Working Group - Using boost since 2007!

Comparison of Breadcrumb customizing modules

Modules that influence the generation of a breadcrumb trail

Comparison of modules that customize the breadcrumb and make nodes and other content appear to be under a chosen menu item:


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