An inclusion is a group of modules, related to the same subject, packaged into its own makefile. An example would be the module Apache Solr Search Integration (apachesolr) and all modules 'apachesolr_*', plus the library 'solrphpclient'.
A flavor of a Drupal installation is called a distribution. An example would be Open Atrium. In our case, a distribution is installed the same way an inclusion is, because it has its own makefile.

Inclusions provided for Drupal 8

Group Makefile Usage with -i
Drupal (core) core.make -

Inclusions provided for Drupal 7

Group Makefile Usage with -i
Pressflow (core) core.make -
modules modules.make modules
themes themes.make themes
Apache Solr Search Integration apachesolr.make apachesolr
CiviCRM 4.2.x LTS civicrm-42lts.make civicrm-42lts
CiviCRM 4.3.x civicrm-43.make civicrm-43
A selection of CiviCRM Locales for gettext civicrm-l10n.make civicrm-l10n
modules for CiviCRM civicrm-modules.make civicrm-modules
modules for development dev.make dev
geographical modules geo.make geo
Payment modules payment.make payment

Inclusions provided for Drupal 6

Group Makefile Usage with -i
Pressflow (core) core.make -
modules modules.make modules
themes themes.make themes
Apache Solr Search Integration 1.x apachesolr1.make apachesolr1
Apache Solr Search Integration 2.x apachesolr2.make apachesolr2
CiviCRM 3.x civicrm3.make civicrm3
CiviCRM 4.2.x LTS civicrm-42lts.make civicrm-42lts
CiviCRM 4.3.x civicrm-43.make civicrm-43
A selection of CiviCRM Locales for gettext civicrm-l10n.make civicrm-l10n
modules for CiviCRM civicrm-modules.make civicrm-modules
themes for CiviCRM civicrm-themes.make civicrm-themes
modules for development dev.make dev
Open Atrium 1.x openatrium.make openatrium
Ubercart ubercart.make ubercart
update and upgrade modules up.make up

Inclusions provided for Drupal 5

Group Makefile Usage with -i
Drupal (core) core.make -
modules modules.make modules
themes themes.make themes