This is the documentation page for the Fancy Features module.

Do you want a quick demonstration? Test our Fancy Kickstart distribution on

Fancy is an idea to solve the requirement of the authors to get more control of the design while keeping the editing simple and straightforward.

Which techniques do you use to achieve this?

Fancy is built with common Drupal techniques which consist of semantic structured entities which are connected via entity references. By implementing the Inline Entity Form module we achieve an awesome editor experience.
To further spice up this experience, we created some small helper modules which let authors pick a the view mode/layout of the content. You can for instance directly select if your content should appear in a single column / double column or triple column; and if it should be responsive or not. Further, the Inline Entity Form Preview module can provide you with a direct live preview within the IEF form.

The data hierarchy of Fancy

Pages can contain multiple sections which can contain multiple contents.

One entity represents the page

  • These may contain all the metadata for a page. For example this may include product pricing, seo meta tags, etc.
  • In most cases, you may use nodes here to have them listed on the Drupal content page (/admin/content)

Sections to represent the design structure

  • Allows drag & drop and reusing of sections and contents
  • Inline Entity Form & Inline Entity Form Preview help here a lot to improve the author experience.
  • With the View Mode Selector module, the author can choose between different view modes to control the appearance of the content arrangement.
  • Currently we provide 2 types of sections:

Reusable Content Entities

This can be any kind of Drupal entity you can imagine. Our features contain several examples like:

  • Headlines
  • Images
  • Maps
  • Pictures (
    element with Media integration)
  • Rich Texts (WYSIWYG)
  • Texts
  • Ctools Content (Build with Ctools Field to store Views, Blocks, Panes, ... in a simple field.)

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