make my site

Hi Guys,

I am looking for someone to help me to develop a site using drupal similar to ifood dot tv

Anyone can do it?, if yes how much for it?, I need exacly the same module of ifood dot tv

Please fell free to make me an offer

Drupal Trade for Business & Personal Coaching Services

We are looking to trade our business and personal coaching services for Drupal services to help us build our new web site. If this is not an appropriate place to look for a trade, where do you suggest we post?

We use psychological profiling tools to help clarify differences between people in personal and business relationships, and we are looking for short-term exchanges of Drupal services, with the possibility of building a long-term partnership that could involve an established position.

Paid Work: need a pro programmer for building a drupal website

Hey folks, I want to building a whole website from drupal, is there anyone to help me? I am willing to pay buy i look for a reasonable fees.
Looking to hear from expertises,

OG User Roles: Notes


  • This module changes the "node/add" URL for creating new nodes in group context to "ognodeadd" which can cause problems with some other modules. We have fixed most of the problems that have arisen, and so far, we have tracked the known existing incompatibilities down to the following modules: editablefields and Formfilter However, you should be aware that you might be using a module which has this incompatibility with OG User Roles.
  • Also, known problem with ognodeadd re-direction with CCK-created group content types where the machine-readable name contains dashes and the human-readable name contains spaces.
  • Create content links on the main navigation menu: In Menu settings, you should uncheck the "Expanded" option for the "Create content" menu item. If you leave the "Create links" menu option on "Expanded", then OG User Roles will display content types that the user can create here when the user is in a group where he has the appropriate role(s). However, if the user clicks on the "Create content" sub-menu link (rather than the Group menu "create" link), he will get an "Access Denied" message.

OG User Roles: Installation


  1. If you are currently running the "OG Roles" module, please uninstall it. It is incompatible with the "OG User Roles" module.
  2. Enable the module from administer->site building->modules. This should create new table "og_users_roles".
  3. Go to administer->organic groups->organic groups user roles. In the Group roles fieldset, place a check next to each of the roles you wish to become group "Assignable roles". That is, place a check next to each role that you wish to be assigned to users within specific groups. A user assigned one of these roles within a group will only have the permissions granted by the role while he is within that group's context.

    No roles will be group assignable until you complete this step.

    Group user roles are assigned using the "Configure member roles" tab that OGUR will now place in each group's "Member's" page (see:

  4. Go to administer->user management->access control and give the "configure member roles" permission to the roles you wish to be able to assign group roles to users. Also, assign "administer og_user_roles" permission to user(s) who will be allowed to access the OG User Roles administration (settings) page.
  5. If your basic "OG Roles aren't working", please note the following:

OG User Roles: Usage


When you assign a group user to a role, the user will have the permissions granted by that role as long as he is within the group context.

To assign a group user to a group role:

As a group manager or administrator, go to the Group Home Page. In the group navigation menu you should see an link titled:

"# subscribers"
"# members"
(/og/users/**group id **)

Click on this link. This gets you to the group "Members" page. You should next see a menu tab which says:


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