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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.


Revision summary page

Revisioning is a module for the configuration of workflows to create, moderate and publish content revisions.
You use it in scenario's like this:

  • Authors write content that prior to being made publicly visible must be reviewed (and possibly edited) by moderators. Once the moderators have published the content, authors should be prevented from modifying it while “live”, but they should be able to submit new revisions to their moderators.
  • We shouldn't have to grant these roles “god-like” powers (e.g. D6's "administer nodes" permission) to implement this.

Collapse Text

Front-end full node view with examples of collapsible sections.

The Collapse text module is an input filter which allows sections of content to be made collapsible (like on editing forms).
For example, a common use case is the creation of a FAQ page, with a list of questions, with each answer displaying when a question is clicked.

Surround a section of text with [collapse] and [/collapse] to make it collapsible. [collapse] tags can be nested within one another.

The parameters may be combined in (almost) any order.

[collapse class="class-example" title="Collapse Text example"]
This text can be hidden by clicking on the header.

The module provides theming functions and extensive documentation on project's page.

AJAX Comments

Submit screenshot

Provides ajax comments to Drupal sites (commenting like a social networking sites: Facebook, Google+, etc).
- Makes AJAX submits

Body node ID class

Body node ID class module is used to add node ID (nid) and node type as a class to <body> tag on node pages.


Popup login form

The popup suite allows builders to popup tooltip-like text, nodes, blocks, menus, forms, views and php-generated content.

It includes the following modules:



Provides a Views display, style and row plugin for displaying nodes using Adam Shaw's FullCalendar jQuery plugin.


There is a good deal of info in the issue queue, but if you're on IRC, come by the #drupal-fullcalendar channel and say hello!


As of 7.x-2.0-beta1, the Colorbox integration is part of the FullCalendar Options submodule.

Please remember to run update.php first, or clear all caches.

The FullCalendar Colors submodule requires the Colors API module. There is an upgrade path, be sure to run update.php and clear your caches.
Specifically, if you are using FullCalendar beta2, you must use Colors beta2.

The template files (*.tpl.php) have been removed, if you still wish to use those, please install FullCalendar Templates.


See the documentation for installation instructions.


See the documentation for usage information.


Maintainer and developer: tim.plunkett

Field multiple limit

Screenshot of additional field formatter settings. Number of values to display, number of values to skip.

This is a simple module that provides settings to limit the number of values to display on fields with multiple values.

Page Specific Class

Page Class Setings

Ability to add HTML attribute classes for CSS styling to the <body> tag based on path conditions. Specify body classes for pages by using their paths.


Menu Views

Allows menu items to render views instead of links. This is useful for creating "mega-menus".

What Menu Views Does

Menu Views is a utility module. It provides back end support for replacing a standard menu item link with a menu item view. Menu items (in any menu) now have the option of toggling between two different menu item types: link or view. Depending on which option is selected, the appropriate configuration form is displayed on the admin side and the appropriate type of item is rendered on the front-end.

What Menu Views Does NOT Do

Menu Views is NOT a theming/styling module for mega-menus. As stated above, this module is strictly a utility module for replacing menu item link with a view. Once the HTML markup is there, Menu View's job is done! Read #1794010: Menu Views is not working.

Theme Integration

Depending on how a theme renders the primary and secondary navigation, this module may not work because the parent items may not ever be extended (regardless whether they are checked as such in the menu item).

It is strongly recommended to use one of the following modules in your theme's menu region instead (see: Use menus in Drupal 7? You need Menu block module.).

Floating block

The Floating block module allows you to keep html blocks, selected using jquery selectors in a fixed position on the page as you scroll. It works in a similar way the table header fixer in Drupal Core. This means that when the user scrolls their browser selected parts of the page can stay in the users view.

This is extremely useful when you have pages with lots of content and you want a side menu to stay in view. Visit to see the module in action.

Tips for using jQuery selectors
Using the default Garland theme in Drupal 6 example selectors would be:
#sidebar-left Float the left sidebar
.primary-links Float the primary menu
.block-user Float the user login block

The important thing is to look at the html drupal is generating for your page and look at the id or class of the element your want to float. Find out more about jQuery selectors... Additionally another very useful tool (if you are using Firefox) is Firebug.

Layout Builder Lock

Layout Builder Lock settings

Layout Builder Lock allows administrators to lock sections of a default layout so users can't perform certain actions when overriding the layout for an individual entity.

Block Attributes

Screenshot of the Block Attributes configuration fields added by the module on the Block Configuration forms.

The Block Attributes module allows users to specify additional HTML attributes for blocks, through the block's configuration interface, such as class, id, style, title and more.

It appeared the ability for users to configure Blocks' HTML ID, classes or custom styles has been a recurring request (for quite some time). Therefore, this module attempts to provide a solution for these cases and support more HTML attributes for blocks.

Compact Forms


Compact Forms presents text fields for selected forms in a more compact fashion using jQuery.

The form item/element fields are overlaid with their respective labels. When the user focuses a field the label fades away nicely, and if the field is left empty the label fades back in again.

By default, only the user login block is switched to compact style, but the behavior can be added to any form by adding the corresponding CSS ids to the Compact Forms configuration.

  • Degrades back to the original form when JavaScript is switched off.
  • Fields like textareas and checkboxes are currently not affected.
  • Inspired by A List Apart

Add To Calendar Button (

Add to Calendar Module integrates 'Add to Calendar' button provided by which supports iCalender, Google Calendar, Outlook, Outlook Online and Yahoo Calen

Caption Filter

Caption aligned right

This module provides a very simple caption input filter that can be used to attach captions to an image or embeddable object.


Drupal Gutenberg Logo

Drupal Gutenberg is an editor that brings the powerful admin features of the Gutenberg Editor to Drup

MathJax: LaTeX for Drupal

MathJax project logo.

This module integrates the MathJax library into your Drupal site. MathJax is the modern JavaScript-based LaTeX rendering solution for the Internet.

Bamboo Twig

Bamboo Twig

All the Twig features you missed until now.

A Drupal powered module.

Sitewide Alert

Sitewide Alert Module administration add alert page

The Sitewide Alert module adds the ability to show alerts at the top of your site.

Menu Icons

This module allows you to upload an image in the menu-item's configuration form.

After uploading the image, the icon data will be added to the menu link's
options array.


This module allows users to create image galleries using the Galleria jQuery plugin, found on


The DataTables Drupal module integrates the smart DataTables plugin (originally jQuery based but in future vanilla JS) written by awesome Allan Jardine into Drupal as a tables views style and a cal
