
When an API request fails, a json response of the following schema should be returned:

    "description":"Representation of a PublisherApiException",
            "description":"The exception type (PublisherApiException)",
            "description":"The exception message",
            "description":"The exception code number",

Possible PublisherApiException's

Undefined error: code: 800, HTTP Status Code: 500
Whenever something unexpected went wrong.

    type: "PublisherApiException",
    message: "undefined error occured",
    code: 800,

Unauthorized: code: 801, HTTP Status Code: 403
If there is no appid provided or the requestet ip is not allowed.

    type: "PublisherApiException",
    message: "unauthorized",
    code: 801,

Request signature invalid: code: 802, HTTP Status Code: 403
If the request signature is invalid.

    type: "PublisherApiException",
    message: "request signature invalid",
    code: 802,

Object not found: code: 804, HTTP Status Code: 404
If a requested objected was not found.

    type: "PublisherApiException",
    message: "object not found",
    code: 804,

No configuration available for appid: code: 805, HTTP Status Code: 404
If there is no configuration available for appid.

    type: "PublisherApiException",
    message: "no configuration available for appid",
    code: 805,

No post data sent: code: 806, HTTP Status Code: 400
Empty json data sent in request body.

    type: "PublisherApiException",
    message: "no post data sent",
    code: 806,

Request body not a valid json string: code: 807, HTTP Status Code: 400
Returned if the posted request body is not json_decode'able.

    type: "PublisherApiException",
    message: "request body not a valid json string",
    code: 807,

Posted data not valid: code: 808, HTTP Status Code: 400
When the validation of the json request body went wrong.

    type: "PublisherApiException",
    message: "posted data not valid",
    code: 808,