
Download biblio-6.x-1.6.tar.gztar.gz 226.22 KB
MD5: 63b69f87a8a702fb38c7d2bf3c173eb0
SHA-1: b805120e8cedd518936aae97531604cabebeb8e5
SHA-256: 5853d4b7526823f84dc3259319168fd8c7eeb4b59a036185d79d56d178e8618b
Download biblio-6.x-1.6.zipzip 266.71 KB
MD5: 7da49f4efe74f0fe85b2cdffb576aece
SHA-1: 50b6ef032c96d467b5f909f661333ff10f626401
SHA-256: 3ee5d3b6dc4d8aa84bdd67b0f630e1af70a5d96dbabed1c57d19dd36b1d76cc7

Release notes

New features...


  1. Added configurable "type" mapping #520828. This feature allows mapping between various input file format publication types and Biblio publication types.
  2. Added a per-user setting for OpenURL information #528930
  3. EndNote XML files are now formated in the latest XML format by default, good for versions 8 and newer of EndNote.
  4. Added new setting in the OpenURL section to set the Site ID (sid) of the OpenURL link


  1. Added Views handlers for sorting, filtering and arguments on most fields.
  2. Added new settings in the ISI Web of Knowledge section on the admin/settings/biblio page. Turning this on automatically converts EndNote "Go to ISI" links to valid ISI search links. (ISI subscription required)
  3. Added new settings in the links section on the admin/settings/biblio page. You choose to carry "inline" mode through to all subsequent links. Inline mode is used primarily by people accessing biblio data from custom code, so the average user will not need this.
  4. Added new settings in the links section on the admin/settings/biblio page. You can now toggle the export links on/off individually as well as the Google Scholar link
  5. Added links from each entry to Google Scholar. Following the link does a Google Scholar search using the title and first authors name.
  6. Added a new feature (and setting to turn it on/off) which will allow you to retain BibTex protected capitalization braces in title strings, they will be stripped out on display, but will still be in place when exported in BibTex format.
  7. Added a new permission called "access biblio content" which will allow you to restrict access to any of the biblio pages (biblio, biblio/authors, biblio/keywords etc.) A user MUST have this permission to see anything from the biblio module!
  8. Added a section to the user profile page to allow entry of CrossRef login information used for DOI lookup
  9. Added a new option when selecting taxonomy terms from a vocabulary, you can now choose to copy them to the biblio keyword database or not. There is a check box on the input and import forms and there is also a new check box in the "Keywords" section of the admin/settings page which sets the default for this option.
  10. Added a setting in the links section to toggle the hyperlinks on the author names.


  1. No new features, 1.4 was released to address a major bug which crashed the code when saving a new entry containing keywords.


  1. Added "DOI Lookup" option on the input form. Entering a valid DOI name (number) here will query and poplulate the input form with all the data it gets. You are then presented with the populated form to make further additions/changes prior to saving it to the database.
  2. Added "BibTex cut and paste" option to the input form. Pasting a valid bibTex string into the box will populate the input form with the data and similar to the DOI lookup above, allows you to preview and make changes prior to saving it in the database.
  3. Added a new user permission called "edit biblio authors" which allows the user to edit biblio author information but not other biblio settings, unlike "administer biblio" which gives them the right to edit all biblio settings.
  4. Changed "Views" integration such that Blblio is no longer a "Base" type of view. You should now use the "Node" view type to create a view containing biblio information.
  5. Added an option to toggle sort links between text and tab type display.
  6. Changed Keyword/Taxonomy freetag handling... The Taxonomy freetag input box is no longer displayed on the input form. All keywords/taxonomy freetags should be entered into the biblio Keywords input box and (if required) the taxonomy freetags will be updated when the keywords are saved. This keeps the keywords and freetags in sync and avoids the confustion of having two input boxes (one for keywords and one for freetags).


  1. Added option to automatically delete authors "orphaned" by the update or deletion of an entry
  2. User selectable bibliographic styles, authorized users can choose a style other than the system default on their "edit user" page
  3. Author "Link" allows 2 or more authors to be linked together (intended to deal with name changes due to marriage, but could be used for other purposes)


  1. MARC format file import
  2. New bibliographic output sytles (AMA, Chicago, MLA, Vancouver)
  3. Authors page (biblio/authors) which displays all authors in the database linked to publication lists filtered by that author. ("edit" links are provided for privileged users)
  4. Author edit/merge form (merge allows you to merge all instances of the same author which have been entered slightly
    differently. i.e. Smith, J and John Smith are the same person so you merge the two entries into one.)
  5. Orphaned author page(admin/settings/biblio/author/orphans), allows you to remove authors who are not associated with any publications from the database
  6. Keywords page (biblio/keywords) which displays all keywords in the database linked to publication list filtered by that keyword. ("edit" links are provided for privileged users)
  7. Orphaned keyword page (admin/settings/biblio/keyword/orphans) allows you to find and remove orphaned keywords (keywords which are no longer associated with any publications)
  8. added 'tabledrag' to admin/settings/biblio/defaults and admin/settings/biblio/types/edit/xxx which allows you to change the order of the fields on the input form by just dragging them to the desired location
  9. input your own PHP code to generate cite keys

Bugs Fixed...


  • fixed potential XSS vulnerability
  • #514882 fixed MLA style looks for incorrect year field
  • #------ fixed incorrect link in keyword edit page
  • #513930fixed Missing '</ul>' tag in, and also refactored the entire link building process so that the links on the "node" display are built by the same code as the links on the "bibliographic" display
  • #504702fixed The first [bib] causes a line break with hovertips enabled
  • #501932fixed warning generated when new "type" is created and no fields are set "visible", also change the default for new types so that ALL fields will be visible rather than invisible.
  • #497594removed the manditory requirement for the year of publication to be supplied
  • #502140fixed Views citation handler does not remove BibTeX brackets
  • #501932fixed Biblio Search returns error
  • #477438fixed issue with CrossRef XML parser where it would truncate data with embedded HTML tags, also added the retention of font style (bold, italic, underline, subscript, superscript) information.
  • #477438fixed issue with EndNote XML parser where it would truncate data with embedded styles, also added the retention of font style information.
  • #------ fixed issue with author formatting which could cause extra periods before and after initials
  • #------ removed some debug code which was left in the Crossref xml parser by mistake
  • #492214by scottrigby: biblio: authors views field sql error
  • #486462 Fixed: Arrow images not showing when Drupal is not installed at DocumentRoot
  • #486790 "Edit" links on admin/settings/biblio/author/list are broken
  • #488214 theme_biblio_long makes bad author links
  • #486312 User cannot edit biblio entries unless it has 'administer nodes' permission
  • #477878 Fixed Views biblio_year field with "In Press" and "Submitted" values
  • #483650 Google Scholar links not shown in "node" view
  • #467928 Wrong tool tip on Google Scholar link


  • #150002 Go to ISI Link
  • #477502 Unescape XML Entities in import from crossref
  • #477432 crossref_unix_parser pulls in extra dois
  • #477448 crossref_unix_parser on multiple isbns
  • #282996 FileField support for Biblio?
  • #469502 problem with viewinline
  • #465834 issn and section fields too small for patent type
  • #472062 Biblio and i18n - Problem with assigned language when importing nodes
  • #471436 Problem with Taxonomy and Biblio Keywords
  • #469328 What to do if Author is an Organization (CSE & APA styles only)
  • #464572 Undefined function taxonomy_vocabulary_load()-installation error
  • #461474 BibTex - ISSN field
  • #461464 BibTex - Inproceedings and inbook - booktitle replaced by series
  • #461426 BibTex - @incollection interpreted as @book
  • #461422 BibTex - export - no doi
  • #456750 Content Access Permissions are ignored
  • #459374 Use of $form_state['storage'] to hold a string/integer (as opposed to an array)
  • #459684 DOI import fails, CrossRef registration required now
  • #455216 Compilation failed: POSIX named classes.. in
  • #456360 Export and Import in Bibtext format changes the citekey
  • #455402 Changes to Biblio Filter
  • #455022 Extend admin pages to set the 'biblio_author_links' variable
  • fixed problem with missing sort arrow images when filtering
  • #460240fixed keyword export in BibTex and EndNote Tagged formats
  • #453708 Duplicate bibtex export
  • #453298 "Number of items in the RSS feed" not working...
  • #450522 Limit on author initials is not respected in Vancouver style
  • #450030 Minor error on edit authors


  • #448732 can't save any biblio: "Call to undefined function biblio_explode_keywords()"
  • #448306 preg_replace() error


  • #444428 simple mispelled words
  • #437440 Citation Key cannot be longer than 16
  • #435058 Keywords field length exceeded
  • #439152 Export by keyword
  • #356322 Biblio nodes not XHTML-compliant
  • #355572 Filtering by author should be more lenient / "smart"
  • #340570 inline biblio_db_search layout is broken
  • #442916 Shortening forenames does not use betweenInitialsDelim option
  • #440248 Typo in HTML in _biblio_filter_replace_callback()
  • #438930 edit_authors permission
  • #441104 schema module reports a mismatch
  • #439086 Biblio Keywords and Biblio free tags
  • #435058 Keywords field length exceeded
  • #433198 Shortening forename of authors containing UTF-8 special characters does not work
  • #431688 Interaction between url filter and standard sorting filters
  • #425852 Biblio page title setting ignored
  • #429226 Quotes around title in Vancouver style
  • #421546 Keywords vanish when previewing


  • #376808 Delete orphaned authors automatically?
  • #415478 Sorting by type without bars
  • #414870 "more" link in the Block for new publications
  • #414380 Only one keyword is shown
  • #412720 Broken download links when filtering with clean URLs (e.g. /biblio/year/2009)
  • #410610 "Hyperlink titles using supplied URL if available" feature does not seem to work.
  • #409952 All Fields appear (even when unchecked) after upgrade from Biblio 5x to 6x
  • #376802 Search index not updated when editing a node
  • #404842 Tabs and styling
  • #404522 Redirection after batch import
  • #397104 Search function sucks :-)
  • #403484 Slightly malformed RIS files are not imported
  • #404080 Typo in hook_menu prevents author type editing
  • #402468 Filter by author, sort both first and secondary authors
  • #401938 First name / Last name order switched


  • #398472 Drupal UserID-Author Mapping problems
  • #396654 Export single reference fails - SQL error
  • #398226 Fatal error: Cannot break/continue 1 level in biblio.module on line 277
  • #396096 Caching problem: no filters for anonymous users


Created by: rjerome
Created on: 29 Jul 2009 at 18:16 UTC
Last updated: 1 Aug 2018 at 21:28 UTC
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